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Airgun in a garden


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Hi mahmood.You can use your air rifle in your garden but you must ensure that the pellets do not ricochet of your target and into your neighbours garden.Make sure your target has a good backstop.For the little amount of shooting i do in my garden i use a cardboard box stuffed with old sheets to absorb the impact and lessen the risk of ricochets.

                             Sean. :sick:

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A couple of years ago I was shooting targets in my garden when a neighbour in the gardens that back on to mine sreamed out for me to stop shooting that airgun or i will call the police.As i was shooting safely and no pellets were in danger of leaving my garden, I offered her the use of my phone.The police have not yet arrived and i still use my airgun as and when i feel like it. 8-)

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Mahmood it depends on what birds you are planning on shooting and why.I shot a magpie out of my conifer tree the other day and as far as i was concerned it was vermin endangering the song birds that nest in there.

I have heard that the RSPCA tried to prosecute someone for shooting a starling "without good reason" even though they are not a protected species,so be carefull.

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Guest flightline

I think their argument was that the guy they did was not shooting to protect himself/his garden from a pest (which starlings can be of course). He was

doing it for fun! Corvids would presumably be different as the threat they pose to songbirds is well known.

Seems to me in this sort of environment it`s wise to be cautious/discreet, especially if your house/garden is overlooked by a lot of others and the neighbours are an unknown quantity.


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