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Best pitch for a new permission


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  • 3 weeks later...

I start with my name then follow with i shoot for such and such farmer who borders your land and i noticed that i`m shooting pigeons on his crops but they are all landing on yours now, is there a chance of getting permission to shoot your land too and protect both. Or if you have no land just say i was passing by along whichever road and you have rabbits and pigeon damage etc, you would be amazed how many farmers seem to be ignorant of the fact a certain area is getting hit.

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I have to agree with pigeonblasterian and cz550kevlar,do your homework find out the farmers name,then after your intro mention neighbouring farmers you provide crop protection for,but dont bull5hit him farmers are very clicky(rightly so and no disrespect intended)If the farmer says sorry i have got a chap that shoots for me,just ask who it is you might know this person and be able to cover more fields between yourselves.Dont slag the other shooter and say stuff like he isnt doing a very good job etc,as farmer might think your criticising his judgement.hth now get knocking lol.

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get some cards made up.. shootingcards.co.uk supplied me and many other guys on here, they are laminated and look very professional, as said before by my learned friends.. introduce yourself, offer your hand (and your card,) tell him you are trying to secure some regular crop protection, is there anything you could help him with. In my opinion it's essential you inform him you are insured, and will will respect all boundaries ,and livestock. If you get knocked back, leave your card with him, you never know he may get let down and give you a call. It's a numbers game, the more doors you knock the more you stand a chance of getting a 'yes' ggod luck and keep us posted!!


BB. :hmm:

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