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Just Cartridges

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RC Millenium 38gm Plastic 4 & 5 -

Discontinued - Exceptional Value!

£/1000 £/500 £/250 £/25

£295.00 £154.00 £67.50 £3.80



taken from Just Cartridges website in the Bin-Ends section about 2 mins ago!!!

if true, which it cant be, i best order me a box of 25 :good:

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look at the delivery.


Then look at the cost of petrol/diesel for your vehicle.


For those of us that don't live next door to a Gunshop selling cheap cartridges, Just Cartridges are frequently an attractive option.

Their next day delivery service is excellent.


"Horses for courses".

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Then look at the cost of petrol/diesel for your vehicle.


For those of us that don't live next door to a Gunshop selling cheap cartridges, Just Cartridges are frequently an attractive option.

Their next day delivery service is excellent.


"Horses for courses".


AND not forgetting the range. I quite like Hull cartridges but have to go a long way to get some. In a 4X4 you can't drive very far to save £15 delivery on 1000. I can also find better things to do with my spare time than driving for 2 hours. AND they save me money because every time I go into a gunshop I always buy something in addition to what I went in for!



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I used just cartridges for the first time a couple of weeks ago and was extremely impressed with the level of service. Think I will def use again in the future for larger orders. Local gunshop is becoming increasingly expensive, never have what I need as they only order on request now and can never gurantee when they will be in!! As Apache pointed out a gunshop is a dangerous place for me to be in the first place due to all the temptation of sparkling new gear........Mrs B would pop a vessel if I came home with more than I set out for :good:

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I am going to try and save up my orders for any game fairs they're at. At the CLA fair, Just Cartridges were offering 50% off delivery if you ordered there and then - 2000 cartridges delivered next day to your door for only £13 total delivery charge- £1 cheaper per 1000 than my local shop, which is 15 miles away and usually takes your money and says come back in about a week, unless you want whatever bin ends he has spare. Delivery was spot on. I will support my local dealer as much as I can, and if it was only a £1 difference I would use him, but when it tops up to 2x30 mile trips and up to 3 weeks wait - Just Cartridges win out, I am afraid!

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Guest cookoff013

i was more on about the delivery for "one" box.

-it would be a really expensive box !


i thought about sorting out ordeing 10,000 with some fellas, but they just want 50. !

someone will end up with 5000 cartridges to shift.

i usually order 2000 a go, i`m down to my last 50. but i`ll buy the clubs from now on,


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I guess if you shoot hundreds or even thousands a month at clays then it may be a considerable saving?


Personally I will continue to support my local shop (Gloucestershire Gun Company) because he supports me too. Maybe next time I can't get a mod off of my rifle or don't have a screwdriver to fit the stock screws on my shotgun I'll give Just Cartridges a call and see if they'll help me out for free? :good:

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Looking down the price list Just cartridges seen very expensive compared to my local gun shop. For example in my local gunshop Eley Impax are £43.00 for 250 , Just cartridges are £60.50. Rio 30 gr game are £51.75 in Just cartridges , £47.00 in my local shop. I got some 3 inch Hevi shot a month ago from another local gun shop for £15.00. Just cartridges are £23.00. All the prices do not include postage.


Shop local support your local gunshop and save money.

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