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Which is better the HW80 or FWB 127


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Been reading John Darling and notice he favoured the Weirauch HW80 but clearly some of his shooting buddies favoured the Feinwerkbau 127.


What are your thoughts and experiences if you still use springers? :good:


The 80 fared better on durability breech lock up often created probs on FWB and the sear that engaged the safety was renowned for wearing out. However the FWB was easier to carry. Bear in mind the HW80 still sells well to this day. I owned a FWB for years but still have an 80 today in much modified form though

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The 80 fared better on durability breech lock up often created probs on FWB and the sear that engaged the safety was renowned for wearing out. However the FWB was easier to carry. Bear in mind the HW80 still sells well to this day. I owned a FWB for years but still have an 80 today in much modified form though



Do you mean lighter?

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I bought a FWB 127 and loved it to the point I still own it.Although my cousin had an early HW80 and this was and still is today one of the best spring break barrel guns ever made.The FWB is much lighter in weight though.

I cannot chose which is better out of these two top quality spring rifles.

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