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Browning GTS

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As you have probably seen in General Banter i am getting my hands on my first Landy this weekend. Does any one use there 4x4 as a hide? I have noticed when driving you can get on top of Pigeons, Blackies and Bunnys, they dont seem to mind vehicles, but shy away from the Human form. Next time i am out i am going to give it a go. Come on LB how do you get on? ;)

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It seems to work OK all the time you are moving, but when you stop, they often spook and fly off, but then I don't drive a Landrover.


However, I have parked under the trees next to a rape field and had them come into the crop (no decoys), right in front of me, ignoring the vehicle.

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I have got a tank net browning and it is good. Park my baby, get the barbie out, shoot some woodie and burn for 2 minutes under the gas. The foreign lads love it.


As long as its parked under good treeline cover, the roof is netted, and they see no movement then your in.


Best for summer use though especially with flattened cereal crop.


Anything that works, works ;)





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Be careful Guys, I think it's illegal under the Protection of Birds act 1954 to shoot ANY bird from a vehicle. I believe these provisions also apply under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.


The act states:


"The use of any mechanically propelled vehicle in immediate pursuit of wildlife for the purpose of killing or taking".


Perhaps it's probably debatable whether the vehicle has to be moving in hot pursuit of the bird, but personally, I wouldn't risk it, as you may have a job proving it in Court, if photographed by an anti.



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Be careful Guys, I think it's illegal under the Protection of Birds act 1954 to shoot ANY bird from a vehicle. I believe these provisions also apply under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.


The act states:


"The use of any mechanically propelled vehicle in immediate pursuit of wildlife for the purpose of killing or taking".


Perhaps it's probably debatable whether the vehicle has to be moving in hot pursuit of the bird, but personally, I wouldn't risk it, as you may have a job proving it in Court, if photographed by an anti.



Maybe if it is parked up and the shooter sits in the back? And no one in the drivers seat.

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if its true how do ther likes of me get away with lamping foxs and shooting them out of my 4x4 like many others do ,iv got a few videos with guys shooting birds and rabbits out of cars ,trucks ect so how come they aint been done ?? theres one hell of a lot of stuff get shot out of motors in this country so i think you may be wrong as its the first iv ever heard of it ..

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Sorry Rob, but the foxes in this part of the world don't have wings, and therefore we don't classify them as BIRDS.


Lamping of foxes, rabbits etc from a moving vehicle is of course not illegal, but I'm afraid that shooting BIRDS is. That includes all BIRDS, including those classed as Pest species.


Re-visit your video collection, your memory is playing tricks on you..?? I'm sure you won't find too many showing bird shooting from vehicles in the UK.



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I certainly don't want to give the impression that I have ever shot at pigeons (or any birds), from the inside of a vehicle, moving or stationary.

I think its as much an unsafe, unsporting practise , as illegal.

I was referring to standing outside a stationary vehicle.


"The use of any mechanically propelled vehicle in immediate pursuit of wildlife for the purpose of killing or taking".


If read literally, does this mean you half to walk when you are going wildlife shooting, or perhaps ride a bicycle ? :rolleyes::lol:

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