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ruger 10/22 delux


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first bit of advice is use the gun non stop for 2 months before sitting down and deciding what you would like to improve, eg trigger, etc. then look into it, other wise youll end up spending hundreds (if youre lucky...) on extra's you dont really need for them - yes speaking from experience here :good::lol:

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first bit of advice is use the gun non stop for 2 months before sitting down and deciding what you would like to improve, eg trigger, etc. then look into it, other wise youll end up spending hundreds (if youre lucky...) on extra's you dont really need for them - yes speaking from experience here :good::lol:


:lol: Tell me about it I used to wait for people to get sick

of the latest new mod and pick gear up for a tenth of the

price eg fiver for trigger kits twenty quid stocks etc,happy days. :D

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:lol: exactly, i bought a new stock and i dont know how many upgrades for my 10/22 before id even applied to the cops for the gun! after years of tinkering and playing about the only non standard things i have in it are an auto bolt release, a trigger kit (only a few extra washers really, cost $20 from usa) and a plastic bolt buffer instead of a metal one (quieter) - i dread to think of the amount of money i wasted on kit i didnt need for it :lol::D


so seriousley, use it as standard for a couple of months, then sit down and think about things you dont like about it, then how you could improve them, you could be surprised :good:

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If its one of the brand new 10/22 the quality is not as good as they used to be,in america they are aimed at the juniours market. U may find u have a bit of trouble fitting a kit,u may not Have any trouble at all. Ozzy is correct, run it in first. There's loads of folk doin stuff for 10/22 so ule have no probs buyin bits for it,and plenty of people on here have one so advice is plentiful!

Edited by the running man
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