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remington 1100


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I've got a remi 1100 and just recently it's started to play up?? sometimes it will cycle/reload fine then other times it only ejects the empty but doesn't reload the next shell. I'm mainly using 30g/32g shells and i've tried several different brands just in case. I also strip and clean the gun regularly so it shouldn't be that. Any ideas???

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Too much oil in a semi is bad news. It will gather grit ect and the burnt powder will gum up and jams will accure.

I have a Beretta A 304, i have never oild it, only slightly, never the pistons ect and rarely clean it and its still going stronf after 8 years. :lol:

It never seems to rust ither. Right work horse. :o

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tryputting some oil into the magazine then with index finger work the magazine spring i had a remmie that needed that doing to it then it would be fine for a few years .it seemed to lose the speed in whichit refed new cartridge and then in time it would eject but not feed a fresh cartridge in .

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do a full strip down ,and use a tooth brush to move the crud out ,then blast it with air ,then spray with a light oil ..it works for me :sly: the tube mag will get stiff becouse of rust if it gets wet so put some light oil down there and use you finger to make sure it works ok..

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I have a remmy 1100 .410


Love it - but it will only recycle Fiochi carts, nothing else works.


What is all this 'drilling out' mallarky, from what size to what size are we talking about.


Removing metal is easy but putting it back is a tad tricky.


Any gunsmiths on here?



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