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Mauser 98 Actions


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I've got an old Parker Hale 1200, which is based on the much loved Mauser 98 action, which obviously features a controlled feed.


Every now and then, the claw fails to correctly engage the rim of the cartridge (308Win) and therefore simply pushes the round past the bolt face and into the chamber - meaning you can't close the bolt behind it!


This is going to cause an issue in the field - as a cleaning rod is needed to push the round back out.


I'd like to either fix the issue, or modify the gun into a simple push feed if I can.


Does anyone know if a modification such as this exists? or if there is an easy way to modify the bolt to aid the controlled feeding ?



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Is it possible that the magazine feed lips need a bit of adjustment? It sounds like the magazine is releasing the cartridge too easily allowing the cartridge head to be pushed by the extractor rather than the bolt face. I would try bending the feed lips in slightly to see if this helps.

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I have a K98 and know what you're on about.You dont need to push the round out from the barrel if it hasnt engaged-just push the bolt a bit harder.You'll feel a little bit of resistance,but the brass will make contact with the bolt face and will eject afterwards.


What sort of bolt face and extractor claw does your Parker Hale have? Is it like my Mausers where its a large claw?



The only time mine does it is if someone else has a go and inserts a round into the chamber rather than magazine.You can do that with most others service rifles,but not Mausers as they need to collect their rounds from magazine.


ps.Dont laugh at the state of my bolt-its 66 years old so deserves to have a few wrinkles!

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