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The way it goes....


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Mr L joined me tonight for a stroll round one of my farms, this place is basically about free range ducks, geese and chickens, with a few cows and horses thrown in.


Wandering around we took a few bunnies and saw a selection of fox, partridge and Roe.


It was never going to be a late one but as we headed back to the motors MR L had a little problem with the Lightforce which left us with just my lamp. We got to the field where his motor was parked and had a scan, two foxes and a rabbit in view, the foxes about 200 yards, the rabbit a lot closer. I held the lamp for Mr L as he had his .222 and thump as the bullet struck home, I knocked off the rabbit then with my HMR, the other fox had already gone!


We arrived at different times and somewhat unusually were parked in two different fields, I was much further into the farm. We said our goodbyes and I wandered back to my motor, no sooner had I turned into the next field and there was Charlie, about 120 yards, and whilst he hardly responded to the call at all, he didn't seem to lamp shy either. I only had the HMR, not my first choice for this sort of shot, but I went down on the bipod and a well placed 17g ballistic tip found its mark and did it's job.


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nice shooting, not to start a ruck but we've been talking recently about whether the HMR actually kills better at the 100-125 mark simply because the bullet has slowed up and doesn't seem to expand as violently.



I wouldn't know, I very rarely take foxes at this distance with the HMR, and whilst rabbits often go down a bit further out the .17g Ballistic tip doesn't seem to have a problem with them at any distance! <_<:rolleyes:

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