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Calling fellow FRANCHI SPAS 12 OWNERS


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Help wanted


I am after some items


FIRST and highly important I appear to have the version with the beaver-tail safety and it is one of the models that fires a round off when setting the safety catch.

Does anyone know how I can get the replacement OR if a trigger group from another Franchi WILL replace it. (cross bolt safety)


Also (please don't go quoting section 5 **** on me-I've checked asked etc the way It will be done IS legal)

does any one know when I can get the folding stock from???


websites phone numbers etc would be helpful


Also been in contact with GMK they don't/are unable to help with this shotgun In ANY way.



Edited by masterzone
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it was reported mainly on a site called spas12.com

some American guy called Chris runs the site

some time in 1991-1994 franchi recalled the beaver tail safety catch as WHEN THE SHOTGUN HAS A CHAMBERED ROUND, WHEN THE OPERATOR


I love the gun to bits but not sure if I want that hanging over my head hence why I am asking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

god knows what you've done to it chap, have you or your friend had it apart and put it back wrong? i never had an issue with this gun, i even took my kids out shooting with it. I certainly wouldn't sell it with a fault like that. Are you sure you're operating the safety catch? the big lever on the right hand side???

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The safety catch (lever type) was recalled and replaced with a button type by Franchi but that recall should have been done ages ago. If a round is chambered and the safety lever engaged/disengaged it can fire the round. Www.spas12.com has more details. However, if you're not happy.......sell it to me, I'll take it off your hands, etc,etc......;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unless I am made a really stupid offer I am never selling this gun

It is still with my RFD in one working piece quite a few people at my club know the gunsmith

and has rated him quite highly otherwise he wouldn't have it.

I have seen one with the cross bolt safety and was told it was a last of the line jobbie.

It will all get sorted out turns out there is a 2nd safety catch.

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Help wanted


I am after some items


FIRST and highly important I appear to have the version with the beaver-tail safety and it is one of the models that fires a round off when setting the safety catch.

Does anyone know how I can get the replacement OR if a trigger group from another Franchi WILL replace it. (cross bolt safety)


Also (please don't go quoting section 5 **** on me-I've checked asked etc the way It will be done IS legal)

does any one know when I can get the folding stock from???


websites phone numbers etc would be helpful


Also been in contact with GMK they don't/are unable to help with this shotgun In ANY way.




Just out of interest why do you think it will be legal? I'm not that well up on the SPAS but I put a collpasing stock on a pump and had alsorts of issues despite the fact its overall length remained over 40". If the current length without stock is anywhere near 26" your sailing close to the wind I think but if you know different I'd be interested because I like the collapsing stock for ease of storage and moving around a hide!

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Simply put the plan would be/is to hand both gun and stock to a gunsmith and have it fitted and FIXED so the shotgun has the 24/40 requirements.

The stock would no longer be able to fold so it would now be a skeleton stock-I saw this on an Remmington 870 earlier in the year

(in the USA I thinks it full model number is the Remmington 870 FSV)

The law says that the shotgun must be 24/40 inches doesn't say anything about folding stocks being illegal

A SPAS 12 built like that would be with-in the law.

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Simply put the plan would be/is to hand both gun and stock to a gunsmith and have it fitted and FIXED so the shotgun has the 24/40 requirements.

The stock would no longer be able to fold so it would now be a skeleton stock-I saw this on an Remmington 870 earlier in the year

(in the USA I thinks it full model number is the Remmington 870 FSV)

The law says that the shotgun must be 24/40 inches doesn't say anything about folding stocks being illegal

A SPAS 12 built like that would be with-in the law.


Ah right yeah that makes sense! Unlikely that they will ever inspect it anyway I guess!

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