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Fieldsports channel Latest Broadcast


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I watched the most recent broadcast of Fields ports Channel last night.

The gun history lesson from was very well presented and really interesting.

The bulk of the broadcast was given over to the new Chief Executive of Countryside Alliance.

I raised an eyebrow a few times at some of the statements made. Maybe the lady has not done sufficient research before the interview, maybe she was fed a load of guff by her minions,or maybe as a failed politician, she is practising the art of twisting the facts right out of the blocks, as politicians do.


Please watch the broadcast before passing further comment.





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I watched it last week.


Shooting was hardly given a mention and most of the interview was given over to hunting. As I mentioned in a thread last week (re: insurance) it was probably the best advert for the BASC there's been for a long time.


On a seperate issue, what is with people introducing that programme? Can none of them speak properly, or are they all trying to sound like Jeremy Clarkson? Even the young bint was at it this week. :yes:

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As predicted, the CA has been forced to recruit a complete unknown to the post of Chief Executive. No one of any prominence with any political savvy would have touched the job with a barge pole.


The result of disjointed strategic thinking,the CA is poorly positioned politically, is saddled with the reputation of being a serial loser and has desperate financial problems.


That apart, I wish her every success. She truly has a mountain to climb. What was her name again?


And whilst I`m feeling charitable i do think that the otherwise excellent Fieldsports Channel should give some consideration to the overall image of country sportspeople.


It was painful to see the cogs grinding in the brain of the plummy voiced Hooray Henrietta who conducted the interview with the new chief exec, Mrs Whats `er name. And I`m sure that we all have our guns hand made by William Evans.


If this was the first time I`d seen the Fieldsports Channel I would have gone away thinking that fieldsports were the exclusive province of horsey bints and blokes with more money than sense.


Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

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I watched it last week.


Shooting was hardly given a mention and most of the interview was given over to hunting. As I mentioned in a thread last week (re: insurance) it was probably the best advert for the BASC there's been for a long time.


:yes: Hunting Hunting & a little bit more hunting ( I like hunting - but BASC for shooting IMO!)

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I watched it last week.


Shooting was hardly given a mention and most of the interview was given over to hunting. As I mentioned in a thread last week (re: insurance) it was probably the best advert for the BASC there's been for a long time.


On a seperate issue, what is with people introducing that programme? Can none of them speak properly, or are they all trying to sound like Jeremy Clarkson? Even the young bint was at it this week. :yes:


they do sound a bit awkward sometimes, but i like that. i am personally sick of overly polished tv programming. i noticed that they tend to show warts and all ie missed shots and a bit of banter.

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I watched it twice; still can't remember her name either; but couldn't forget some of the points that she made that I didn't quite agree with.


100,000 members! Hm, is that so. If it is they must all be paying £27 per year. Knock out the insurance premium, and that doesn't leave a lot to do the the other things that she claims the CA are doing. Maybe I'm cynical.


The CA have National Shooting Week. I was always under the impression that this initiative was a project of the British Shooting Sports Council, and the CA front it, that's all. I do wonder why BASC don't front this initiative?


The woman whose name I still can't remember, reckons that the CA are lobbying on game farming! Well what for exactly? I thought that the 2006 Animal Welfare Act had remained unchanged?


The CA are are also apparently lobbying on lead shot. Precisely what for I'm not too sure. To my knowledge the CA have done sweet nothing over the last twenty odd years apart from issuing a few press releases, a policy statement, and started to slag off BASC.


Cross party support is claimed. Now I don't really do party politics, but from where I'm sat, this statement is wishful thinking at best.


No matter how I look at the CA, I see a lobbying organisation primarily dedicated to the Repeal of the Hunting Act. No a bad aspiration; but please don't claim to be what you are not.


As for CA membership benefits, a visit to the CA web site offers me 30 pence per week off the Telegraph, a paper that I don't read; roadside assistance for a horsebox that I don't have; discounts off magazines that I do take, but already at a discounted rate, so do I get a discounted discounted price? Discounts on fuel oil that I don't use; and discounts at a hotel chain that I'm not ever ;likely to use, but someone must do obviously.


The CA liability cover is null and void if I have any other cover in place; good job that I joined BASC then eh?

I'm sorry but to sit there and claim that the CA offer the best membership package around is aspirational pie in the sky wishful thinking.

The lady whose name I still can't remember is a good talker, I'll grant her that, but the CA and its shooting members want action and services that they can rely on; I don't see that happening any time soon. It does annoy me when I read claims from organisations who claim to be something that they blatantly are not. The appointment of a new chief executive was an ideal opportunity to plough a new furrow, but the broadcast simply indicated to me that shooters should simply expect the same old same old.



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