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first fox outing with Katash


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Went out the other night with Dave (Katash) off of here, who also lives in Hereford and was looking for some shooting permission, i couldn't offer him any permission but said he's more than welcome to come out with me and see whats about.


I was given the same opportunity by others and thought i'd do the same to someone else looking at getting in to shooting


We went out just before last light as i said we'll have a look for a few rabbits and pigeons i also had to pop back to see a farmer about some new land


By this time it was just getting dark so we sat and had a coffee and chat till it was time to get the lamp out.


We drove about and went to a driving range where there are normally a few rabbits to be seen but none,



Drove back over to the farm, pulled into first gate turned on the lamp and got a pair of eyes shinning back. I popped on to the roof with the rifle for a safer shot and Dave put the lamp on, i checked through the scope and confirmed it was a fox, it was less than 100yds but cant be "exact" as i didn't use the range finder i just guessed it :good: Fox was just sitting up on the middle of the field admiring the stars when i sent the 60gr V max into the front of its chest, job done one dead fox :blink: this years vixen





Back in to truck had a drive round and in another field we spotted more eyes reflecting back and its another fox, it was a bit further than the last one also just sitting in a ditch with its head up I had a 200yd zero on the scope so aimed between the eyes and let the shot off, hear a crack and see the fox drop on the spot.


We walked in to collect the fox and as we walked in the field we had a shine to see where it was and another fox appeared to the front of where we was and to the left of where the shot fox was about 50yds away, Dave kept the lamp on, i dropped to the floor and took the shot another dead fox, collected both the foxes and were this years cubs and both Vixens





so what started out as a quiet night ended up successful one, we both had a great night and hopefully added another one to the shooting family

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Was my first experience foxing (and rifle game shooting) and it was fantastic .... Scored a bunny for the dogs who enjoyed it .... I even tried some and remembered how nice rabbit tastes.


Anyway extremely grateful to snowz for his generous offer and only hope more permission wealthy shooters are willing to offer a similar helping hand to us newbies (and rusty ones like me) - It would really help get more people into the sport.

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Was my first experience foxing (and rifle game shooting) and it was fantastic .... Scored a bunny for the dogs who enjoyed it .... I even tried some and remembered how nice rabbit tastes.


Anyway extremely grateful to snowz for his generous offer and only hope more permission wealthy shooters are willing to offer a similar helping hand to us newbies (and rusty ones like me) - It would really help get more people into the sport.



will take you out with the new 260Ai as soon as i get the loads sorted, you can try a bunny or 2 with that ;)

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