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sell by dates....


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I've just raided my Christmas stock, the luxury mince pies did it for me :shout:

I noticed the sell by date, 19 of NOVEMBER ! How can Lidl sell stuff from a huge Christmas display stand when it won't last until soddin Christmas :hmm:

Ah well, I will just have to eat the lot then buy some more next month :good:

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Most supermarket mince pies are made in Jan/Feb, traditionally a quiet time for the manufacturers, and frozen till they need them. There is no way they would be able to keep up when the "season" starts and still keep up with their regular products. Don't ask me how I know that. Just bung 'em back in the freezer, they'll be fine.

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I don't worry about sell by dates either, I can tell if somethings fresh or bad, like we did when I was a lad :hmm:

Mince pies won't go bad, but might be stale after a few weeks storage, remember most additives and such are banned or not used cos the tree huggers won't eat them!

Still, better eat the last 9 just to be safe, and buy another doz for Christmas :good:

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People I know (young people that is) all seem to take sell by dates seriously. Drives me mad. Even stuff on cans they still believe the sell by date. In the war they had it for years.


And meat always has to be a fresh red colour. I've eaten plenty of mince that was pre-browned in the fridge and why not. Uised to get quite a bit of free food of flat mates anyway :blink:

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The sell-by date's a load of mince. You can't kill a mince pie - they're indestructible, like Dracula. Or Superman.



I think the 4 bore would, if you could squeeze the pie in the trap :blink: Saying that though you would actually need to hit it and looking at the thread it would be unlikely in my case. :lol:

Edited by ste12b
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I think the 4 bore would, if you could squeeze the pie in the trap :blink: Saying that though you would actually need to hit it and looking at the thread it would be unlikely in my case. :lol:

After Xmas all the leftover mince pies are sent to Africa: they're used as ammo to fell rogue bull elephants or Cape buffalo.

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