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Beretta AL391 Tekneys Forend cap


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Having not long bought a secondhand 391 tekneys gold

I decided to do a full strip down and clean of it last night


Having a look on you tube there is step by step on this the guy from beretta says the forend cap needs to be sring loaded taking a look at mine it is not, ive removed the surclip from inside and cleaned it to try and get it moving but its not done anything


Should i just leave it alone or do i need to sort this ?





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The 391 forend cap is definitely spring loaded and is there to take up the barrel expansion/contraction with heat. They get full of crud and are prone to seizing.You can test that it is free to move simply by pressing it against a firm surface.

If it is seized then it needs dismantling and cleaning.

Use this link to find out how:-





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The 391 forend cap is definitely spring loaded and is there to take up the barrel expansion/contraction with heat. They get full of crud and are prone to seizing.You can test that it is free to move simply by pressing it against a firm surface.

If it is seized then it needs dismantling and cleaning.

Use this link to find out how:-






Just checked mine out after your advice Vic and it was seized too. Have stripped,polished and put it back al perfect now. Thanks for the post :good::)

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:hmm: the circlip is there for a reason my friend, ie,-- to keep all the parts in the forend cap together.for the price of a new cap it's not worth chancing bits of your gun being left all over the field and you having to purchase new parts every so often.keeping the forend cap cleaned and lubricated is the secret--not removing bits from your cap :hmm:
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Once your grossly over engineered forend cap is clean and functioning as it should,keep it clean. Compress the spring in a vice or mole grips,after suitably protecting it of course, and squirt WD40 into it.

Let soak while you do something and then blow it out with an airline although a bike or car tyre pump is nearly as good.

The WD40 is OK as a lubricant as well.



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