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Found This Inside A Pigeon


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In a word. Gizzard! All birds have them. It's basically a muscle containing grit which the birds food passes through. A combination of the two grinds the food so it can be used by the body. Grit is picked up by the bird for this purpose and passes through with the food when its served its purpose.


If you did find a pigeon without a gizzard it would be extremely thin! Hope this puts your mind at rest.



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In a word. Gizzard! All birds have them. It's basically a muscle containing grit which the birds food passes through. A combination of the two grinds the food so it can be used by the body. Grit is picked up by the bird for this purpose and passes through with the food when its served its purpose.


If you did find a pigeon without a gizzard it would be extremely thin! Hope this puts your mind at rest.




I've crowned hundreds and hundreds and never seen one like this. it's massive and basically burst out of the inside when I parted the crown and body.

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It's hard to tell scale on the pic but they can vary in size depending on diet. Looks as if its been eating something hard ie.acorns,ripe maize etc. The fact there's food in there is a sign towards the bird being healthy.


I've opened the gizzards of badly diseased pheasants and found them full of black sludge!! Even the vet couldn't explain that one!



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It's hard to tell scale on the pic but they can vary in size depending on diet. Looks as if its been eating something hard ie.acorns,ripe maize etc. The fact there's food in there is a sign towards the bird being healthy.


I've opened the gizzards of badly diseased pheasants and found them full of black sludge!! Even the vet couldn't explain that one!




A smoker :good:

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not knowing what that was would tell me you aint to experienced in cleaning out pigeons? had to be your first one otherwise you wouldnt question what it was! the meat on the gizzard is nothing like the rest of the flesh by the way, but ferrets seem to really like them ok


Yup, first one ever.


Maybe it's just the first time ever ever done it without a hangover.

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