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the best advice i think i can give you is find out where your nearest airgun club is and arange to go along to try out variouse rifles before you decide on one. Most clubs are freindly places with lots of help and advice on what is best.


FORGET ABOUT THE B2!!!!! check out the sales secion on this and other forums as you should be able to find someting within your buget and a lot higher quality than the B2.


ROB :blink:


ps please dont take any offence at this but dont even think about a B2 for shooting foxes with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by roblade
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im not too sure there is a lower age limit to shooting with an air rifle, but i think you have to be 18 before you can own one or buy one.


The laws on this matter have changed so much in the past couple of years check out the basc web site for more infomation on airguns, quarry that can be shot using and airgun as well as airgun laws.



from the looks of it your new to the sport of shooting and would liek to remind you of the penalties should you use your rifle on land where you do not have permison to be shooting (public footpaths, empty feilds etc...)


if you take you air rifle anywhere that you do not have permision to this is deemed as armed tresspass, it does not matter if it an air rifle or a .50 barret all guns are equal in the eyes of the law.


If you are found to be poching or shooting on land you do not have permisio be on on you could face prison (5 years, i think) have your rifle confiscated as well as any car you are using to get to the land, even if its not your own car.


But i have to say your doing the right thing in asking about what a rifle is like, just contiue as your doing and i dont tink you can go far wrong :blink:


ROB :blink:

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well said rob.

rossw the b2 makes a good cabre! it's good for throwing away :blink:

my first gun was a lightning and it well out shot my mates b2. better finish better groups better feel. just better! :blink:

like rob said just keep asking questions even if you think it's a daft question coz the chances are that we'v all asked the same one before.

good luck buying a gun.




ps get one second hand that way you can get a better gun for the price. :blink:

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might i be better if i got a hand pistol first so i could get the general feel of things? Looked at the Laserhawk repeater in a mag last night, shoots pelets darts bollts, but it said it had got an extended BB reservoir, does this mean that i cant fill it with pelets and have to keep repoading?

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might i be better if i got a hand pistol first so i could get the general feel of things? Looked at the Laserhawk repeater in a mag last night, shoots pelets darts bollts, but it said it had got an extended BB reservoir, does this mean that i cant fill it with pelets and have to keep repoading?

Pistols and rifles are completley different ball games. Like comparing a car to a motorbike!


Get a nice (second hand?) combo (rifle and scope) AFTER you have sorted land to shoot it on and AFTER you have been to a club and listened to theirr advice.


Any other questions, well keep 'em coming and we will do our upmost to help out. :blink:

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I think the best thing you can do is sit on your hands and read a BASC code of practice on air guns, then read the "quarry" list which is also on the BASC website BEFORE you even go near a air gun.


Once you have done that, come back and we can talk some more.


Anyone would think you are a troll!

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