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So cruel


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Been on a bit of a recce for a day out tomorrow, and after talking to the keeper, found literally thousands of pigeons feeding on a combined maize stubble....outside of my shooting area. The birds were lifting off in huge flocks, then landing, and repeating despite me being there. I haven't seen that many concentrated in one place for years. Normally I wouldn't be bothered, but the huge numbers, and the fact I know they have been feeding there undisturbed for a while, made me desparate to get permission. The land surrounds a pig farm and after knocking on a couple of doors I found the name of the landowner. I gave him a call, and after explaining my circumstances I thought he was about to say "go on then". But no, he said he already had a pigeon shooter who looked after all his crops year round and the pending red letter day on the maize was "the cream for him". I asked he would change his mind in the future, and he said "keep ringing me and I may keep saying no, buy one day might not". Fair enough, can't do more than that, and he was exceedingly civil, so good luck to his pigeon shooter because if he gets out soon he will have a great day.

Some you win, some you lose. But I will write to the farmer with my details just in case he needs someone in the future, you never know!

Footnote: I did find some birds on some rape, slightly less by several hundred but still somewhere to go tomorrow.

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Thats a ****** mate ,ive had the same a fair few times in the past and im sure i will again . But you never no you may hit the pigeons right tomorrow ,there clever birds and if this weather is going to turn they may start hitting the rape hard . Ive seen some good numbers on rape today tho nothing major mostly around the 200 ish make so things looking up ,even tho i have no time to shoot them :rolleyes:

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Been on a bit of a recce for a day out tomorrow, and after talking to the keeper, found literally thousands of pigeons feeding on a combined maize stubble....outside of my shooting area. The birds were lifting off in huge flocks, then landing, and repeating despite me being there. I haven't seen that many concentrated in one place for years. Normally I wouldn't be bothered, but the huge numbers, and the fact I know they have been feeding there undisturbed for a while, made me desparate to get permission. The land surrounds a pig farm and after knocking on a couple of doors I found the name of the landowner. I gave him a call, and after explaining my circumstances I thought he was about to say "go on then". But no, he said he already had a pigeon shooter who looked after all his crops year round and the pending red letter day on the maize was "the cream for him". I asked he would change his mind in the future, and he said "keep ringing me and I may keep saying no, buy one day might not". Fair enough, can't do more than that, and he was exceedingly civil, so good luck to his pigeon shooter because if he gets out soon he will have a great day.

Some you win, some you lose. But I will write to the farmer with my details just in case he needs someone in the future, you never know!

Footnote: I did find some birds on some rape, slightly less by several hundred but still somewhere to go tomorrow.

i will have a bet with you saying if you go see him face to face you will get it.

never mind phones and letters, face to face is the only way.

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I think you would lose your cash!

I would have preferred face to face but the farm office is based on a pig unit and it is strictly no admittance so I had to phone the chap instead. Not even sure he was at the office. But if he was and I had driven on to the unit, disregarding the sign, I think I know what the answer would have been.

He was perfectly pleasant but was just being loyal to someone who shoots all year round for him, so really he should be applauded! If I was his shooter and he let someone on a great spot on spec I would be miffed to say the least.

I do have a spot in mind to intercept them on their way back to the roost later in the day though!

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i will have a bet with you saying if you go see him face to face you will get it.

never mind phones and letters, face to face is the only way.


This is exactly what I was going to post. :good:

If they are going to give you permission to go on their land, they want to have a look at you (in their position you would do the same).

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I beg to differ, my shooting partner and I had a simular conversation with a landowner, kept telling us to ring back the following week, which we did, each time being told next week, prehaps they wanted to test if we would give up trying, but around two months later, full lamping/rabbit/rimfire permission, and no one else shots it

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He was perfectly pleasant but was just being loyal to someone who shoots all year round for him, so really he should be applauded! If I was his shooter and he let someone on a great spot on spec I would be miffed to say the least.


Does that statement sort of cause a problem with seeking permisssion in future .


You could always try a diffrent route by seeking the name and contact details of the other shooter and try and come to a joint venture which you both can be happy with.


The same situ happened to me when I shot for a farmer who I had shot for soley for 15 years had our local pigeon gudie roll up very intrested in shooting his combined maize .


Shot the field hard for 5 days on a row to say I was miffed was a understatement,and guess what he was never to be seen again when they was only a few hundred on OSR .


Still cam full circle I have regained that land due to the tenant farmer not having full control of the pigeon gudie .And him and his foreign clients roaming to area that the tenant farmer did not rent.


So when the tenant farmer lossed the land when it come up for tender again,which inturn it was taken on by a farmer I shot for happy days.




So look it from the other shooters point of view if he was not doing a good job then the farmer would let you go.


Just my input cheers OTH

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I can never understand people who want to steal others pigeon shooting. I had to wait ten years to get my pigeon shooting on my local estate I worked on. Another guy had the shooting and i would never dream of muscling in.Only when he gave up did I ask and got the shooting. You already have pigeon shooting so why take

others shooting too. The only time it is aceptable to to this is if a farmer askes you to and even then i have turned the farmer down if another is already shooting the ground.

Edited by anser2
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Overthehill and anser, I agree with you, I would be gutted if I was that farmer's shooter and someone else had a red letter day just because he had seen the fields blue with pigeons, as the farmer said his man protects crops all year round and this bonanza was his reward.

I couldn't speak to the landowner face to face, which would have been my preferred option, because the pig unit was no admittance.

I was only chancing my arm because of the number of birds, I will follow it up with a letter but I don't expect anything to change but you never know what the future holds. I am lucky as I have other shooting so I am not too disappointed.

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