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Know nothing know it alls.....( That really know nothing)


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I made a post yesterday asking for help with a rabbit problem on some land I have available. It is over run with rabbits and hares I need a guy with a shotgun to come and help me till the problem is sorted.


Check out the post here >>> My Post


It wasn't long before the numpties that have been shooting 20 years and make out they know all there is to know start piping up that what I am doing is illegal.


Not being a numpty myself I ring up BASC for guidance and they point out to me that what I am actually doing is perfectly legal and not a problem.


Moral of the story,


When SOME of the numpties on here start to knock you for something, check it out with a reputable source as there are a lot of idiots use internet hunting sites that actually know very very little.

Edited by robbobsam
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Nowhere in your original post did you state you were the owner of the land, a member of his family or an employee.

Unless you are one of those three you cannot take ground game at night.

So it seems nobody except you has made any silly claims, or did you make a mistake and 'forgot' to tell us all the relevant facts ?

You do of course have ground game as a condition on your .242 ?



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