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Hunting Bill in NI

David BASC

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On 16 November a private members bill, the draft Hunting Bill, was tabled at Stormont by Northern Irelands only Green Party representative Brian Wilson. This draft bill proposes to make it an offence for a person to hunt a wild mammal with a dog.


An offence will also be committed by any person who permits such an activity on their land, or permits their dog to be used for such an activity. The draft bill contains many exemptions relating to stalking and flushing, the retrieval of shot hares, and to facilitate the use of falconry.


Every person in every constituency in Northern Ireland is directly represented by six MLAs, not just one. Contact each of your MLAs to let them know that you are opposed to this draft bill.


For more info and to contact your MLA se here: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/key_issues.cfm/cid/AA81ECB7-19B8-4678-8975D21D9F1B8C55



Edited by David BASC
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BASC Northern Ireland is calling on all shooters to use their voice to support the Countryside Alliance Ireland campaign to defeat this bill.


I take it BASC aren't involved directly with this attack on country sports?


Why would they be directly involved when this bill doesn't impact shooting? :hmm: Isn't it better for them to back the experts in this field (the BFSS CA)?


Ah, sorry - just realised it's a Dazza post. :lol:

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So if your into other countryside pursuits it would be better to join the likes of the CA? Point taken :good:



and your point is?, BASC are a shooting organisation rather than the CA who work for hunting with dogs. I don't know what all the fuss is about the Irish dogmen we have over here don't obey any laws anyway so it matters not.

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and your point is?, BASC are a shooting organisation rather than the CA who work for hunting with dogs. I don't know what all the fuss is about the Irish dogmen we have over here don't obey any laws anyway so it matters not.



What is BASC’s objective?


Our mission is to promote and protect sporting shooting and the well-being of the countryside throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. We represent our members' interests by providing a voice for sporting shooting which includes wildfowling, game, and rough shooting, deer stalking, target shooting and air gunning, pigeon shooting and pest control, gun dogs, promoting practical habitat conservation, training and the setting of standards and undertaking appropriate research.


'The draft bill contains many exemptions relating to stalking and flushing, the retrieval of shot hares'

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As you can see from my post at 8.36 I had just written to my 6 local MlA's stating my opposition. At 8.42 I had a personal phone call from Declan O Loan MLA saying that he had recieved my email and that he would do all he could to oppose the bill.

Nice to see them doing something usefull (for a change) :good:

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and your point is?, BASC are a shooting organisation rather than the CA who work for hunting with dogs. I don't know what all the fuss is about the Irish dogmen we have over here don't obey any laws anyway so it matters not.


Always have to come out with a bitching comment.


The more you let these guys restrict things the more chance it will affect shooting in the future. The LACS have not turned their attention to shooting. Buying up land and changing the sport rights.

Get off your high horse for a change.

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Always have to come out with a bitching comment.


The more you let these guys restrict things the more chance it will affect shooting in the future. The LACS have not turned their attention to shooting. Buying up land and changing the sport rights.

Get off your high horse for a change.



ok this is a "draft" bill loads of these get tabled every year and particularly ones from the green party tend to get dismissed every year. In this case the BASC are doing what they can educating their members and advising the right course to take. LACS are very much focussed on shooting but their ability is hampered and though you hear about the land they buy and sell on in reality its not going to make an impact for the next few centuries at the current rate. As for Irish dogmen well they really do ignore all the laws going here and well when you have their members thinking its good to advertise digging foxes on here and their facebook profiles etc I would suggest that is a bigger threat. Educating people as to what happens in the countryside just feeds them ammunition that is a classic photo the LACS could use to pull on the general publics heart strings. Yes its legal putting photos of it all over the net is a very bad idea.

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