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Hatsan Escort magazine extension tube.


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Hi all, Right first of all I would like to say I have had shocking service from the people at Trulock and Harris, I ordered a 7 shot mag extension tube for my Escort well over 3 months now and not heard a thing, also they have had one of my sxs for over 2 years!!! Trying to repair a broken firing pin. Anyway, so I went into another local gunshop near me and went to buy a few bits and asked if I could order one there, he goes, no you cant, you need to buy an FAC one that is not crimped, now im not sure if he is trying to make me spend more monmey buy buying another auto, or if he is being genuine. Could anyone help with any advice if you have got an extension tube on your Escort and how you went about doing it, as I am needing the extra shots for rabbitng and Crows at the moment. Thanks, Jimbo.

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I had a crimped Hatsan Escort and paid about £70 supplied and fitted for an extension tube! Problem is th egun barely cycled 3 reliably so it was a bit of a waste of time. Having said that I found if I blazed all 8 shells out as fast as I could (party piece only) it cycled very well indeed and was only ever a problem when I took my time!


Anyway, I traded it in a few months back and its still on sale at McAvoys of Standish for about £20 more than they gave me for it!


Simple answer is yes you can put an extension tube on but you have to have the crimped tube removed!

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Ordered my extension tube with Sportsman Guncenter (Newport) and received it back within a week.




EDIT: I should add that my Escort was already a 5 shot FAC, and I don't think you can buy an extension tube for a 'standard' one. Sportsman looked at my FAC before ordering one for me. The tube also comes with an extra long spring. Fitting it was easy, and I now have an 8 shot.

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As Steve said above. If your Escort is a 3 shot on a SGC you will not be able to fit a mag extention. To have a shotgun capable of holding more than 2 cartridges in the mag you would need to have it on a FAC.


It's very simple to fit the mag extention and replacement spring to a 5 shot and any reputable gunshop can order one for you for a few pounds.

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