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Crate her mate, it's a kindness to you all. It's all part of the training.


What's better? Chewing, shouting, nobody (or dog) relaxed, or a family eating a nice meal and having a good night's sleep and a dog sleeping because it can't occupy itself causing havoc???


If you haven't the heart to crate her, you'll have a job on your hands training her.

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Cracking looking dog

Buy a creat she will sharp learn to love it as her quiet place.

Much safer for her aswell if she is a chewer just takes her to go through a cable or get the bottoms of the curtains stuck in her throat while you are out and about, think of it like putting a baby in a play pen or a gate up at the stairs its to protect the dog aswell as your home

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exactly, after I climbed in the crate with our pup she soon saw it as home (she wasn't keen to start with) but would often take herself in there when she wanted time out or a quick nap. Never sent there as a punishment or anything like that as you want her to enjoy being in there!

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A working dog should love its box and it aint even a bit cruel as long as it is seen as a positive by the dog, associate it with good things and it gives the dog a vital chance to truely relax mentaly and physically - it sounds like your dog could do with a bit of that. My GWP views the box in the back of the car as the third best thing in its life placing it only behind hunting and food.

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mine's always been in a crate from day one and now she will actually run to it and get in when she wants to sleep - its in the garage and she will even run to it in the freezing cold temperatures we are having now. Moving house soon so can give her a proper kennel.


Its not cruel and they do think of it as their den.

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