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The seasons greetings to you all. Has anyone had any experiance calling mating foxes when they are having a mating frenzy? is there a specific call out there that works? There is one area on my shoot that foxes like to use at this time of year for the annual mating ritual and they are at it like hammer and tongs, running about mostly in an exhausted state, fighting and ********, last year there were seven at it at the same time all in one small area and because of the local livestock dotted about I couldn't get a safe shot off, I was using an acme call to try and draw them away and they took no notice, my mate tried his warrener call still with no success. Any Suggestions would be welcome, thanks to you all.

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I started a thread on this very subject just yesterday




Truth is, they are hard to call unless you can imitate a foxy lady


Far easier to shoot one in heat, and leave her or her scent in a prime spot.

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I started a thread on this very subject just yesterday




Truth is, they are hard to call unless you can imitate a foxy lady


Far easier to shoot one in heat, and leave her or her scent in a prime spot.



Thanks for the info on the web sites

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