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hatsan owners please advise..


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hi all..

just a little question...ive just bought a hatsan luxano version and everything seems great.

but when fully assembled there slight movement in the forestock by about 3mm back and forth..is this normal or is it me just being piccy???my old baretta used to do this so im not to sure.. :blink:

cheers in advance. :good:

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I had this problem, Edgar Bros assured me this was normal...RUBBISH, it's **** quality control!


Mine eventually went back for as full refund, I am still bitter and twisted as almost everyone knows, as this was the replacement for the gun the barrel blew up on!


There are apparently one or two Hatsans out there that work and the owners are happy with.... :hmm::hmm::hmm:


It will take a lot for me to go near one again even though things have allegedly improved! :hmm:


Check your life insurance policy!



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hi all..

just a little question...ive just bought a hatsan luxano version and everything seems great.

but when fully assembled there slight movement in the forestock by about 3mm back and forth..is this normal or is it me just being piccy???my old baretta used to do this so im not to sure.. :blink:

cheers in advance. :good:


sounds like you are not sitting the forestock right into the bed,of the rifle.It should not move at all,mine is very tight.

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I have a Luxano and the forend is hard up and tight. By the way i have never had trouble with mine at all and it cycles from 28grms to 50 grms (have had more issues with cycling on a beretta and a remington). People are too quick to diss these guns as alot of it is how they are loaded and looked after. Try pushing the forend back evenly and with a bit of force, if that doesnt work get it returned.




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