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the pelt man

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Got a call from CP that he and Jim the Fish were on there way out with the Ferrets to bag a few Rabbits and did i want to join them.

As i was sitting at home scratching me *** i couldn't say no, so i got my gear together, 2 of my Jills and Bruno my GLP.

I met up with the boys just before 12pm at a small wood round the back of some playing fields where the owners were having some trouble with the population getting a bit high.

CP and Jimbob had already done a small warren with a few holes and bagged 2, they were just netting up a larger warren with around 20 holes when i joined in. It was not the best location due to the fact that the warren was right next to a footpath that being a holiday was very busy with walkers.

we managed to bag another 6 from this warren with Bruno catching a Rabbit :yay: (first in his young life)that had bolted from some logs where a hole had been missed.

While we were working this Warren we had a number of bystanders watching us at work. One couple of OAP's stopped and had a chat after which CP kindly paunched one of the Rabbits and they took away for New years day dinner, the little old lady swinging the hocked Rabbit from her hand walking down the path hand in hand with her hubby and people looking a little strangly at her.

We then moved further into the wood and netted up a warren with around 30 holes, Rabbits bolted and we had 2 digs to 2 dead Rabbits. The digs were only around 2 foot deep and in the soft soil was no problem.

With another 7 Rabbits in the bag we went back to the Cars to drive to the other side of the road where we also have permission to carry out pest control. On the way back to the Cars we meet with our one and only ANTI :mad:, a group of 4 ladys in ther 60's walking there dogs. One of the ladys shouted at us calling us LITTLE SH ITS for what we had been doing.

We left her alone and just walked on.

On reaching the Farmers field (with a good few woodies feeding on the rape, i feel a session coming on)we started to set up the nets in a mud mound which we had a couple of Rabbits from aslo Bruno had his secound of the day, chasing the Rabbit across the Field, snapping it up and bringing it back to hand :yahoo:. Thing i am gunna give him a try lamping one night.

Anyway we set up on one more small warren and had a few more, the light was fadeing and it was BEER 'O' CLOCK. So we paunched all the Rabbits and went down the pub and talked about the few hours fun.

Final bag 22, 7 each and 1 for the little old lady (well done CP for the PR) :good:





PELTMAN :drinks:


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