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Man nicked for warning of speed trap .


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all you doubters note that a former magistrate has contacted the paper and offered to help the appeal.

Says it all really.


Says nothing to me I'm afraid.


Magistrates are just members of the public, who work unpaid and part time on the bench (unless a stipendiary). They need no legal qualifications and are advised by a trained legal advisor as to law and sentencing options.

I know two magistrates, one a manager in the NHS, and another is a school teacher.

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If the CPS have decided on a matter of public policy that this guy should be seen as in the wrong, they will take it to higher courts until they get either the right answer, or they exhaust their options. If not, then an appeal might be feasible. The precident quoted earlier in the thread can easily be overruled by a Court of Appeal decision, so even if the High COurt is bound by itself it will just get pushed higher up the chain.


Personally I think it is ridiculous that he has been done, but that's just my opinion

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Says nothing to me I'm afraid.


Magistrates are just members of the public, who work unpaid and part time on the bench (unless a stipendiary). They need no legal qualifications and are advised by a trained legal advisor as to law and sentencing options.

I know two magistrates, one a manager in the NHS, and another is a school teacher.


i'm shocked the CPS actually persued it!


the chap could have pleaded ignorance saying i was trying to swat a fly in the car...... :unsure: acidentally hit my lights a few times.....


how on earth did they prove he was doing that?


rubbish case! (i bet he freely admitted it in which case more fool him)

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Slightly off subject, and at the risk of being slated, I want to wade in with my 2p's worth.


If the rozzers are focusing on road safety (mentioned in an earlier post as being one of their primary focus due to public demand) then why are there not employing more traffic bobbys, not civilians to 'operate' these mobile traps.


Not all accidents are caused by speeders, there are plenty of muppets who drive like their licence came from a box of cereal. And this is without getting on to the drunk/drug/too tired drivers. Cameras don't catch them...


Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel, but I'm of the opinion that the only real way to prevent anything of this nature is education, not necessarily prosecution in all cases. In my experience a person who gets a NIP in the post does not really take half as much notice of their punishment for the offence as someone who's sat in the back of the bobby car and had a real ear full. Added to that, the bobby is more likely to catch more than just the speeders. I do know that they now do Speed Awareness courses in some areas, instead of the points and fix penalty, but this is not my point. The public, according to the police, have asked for the roads to be made safer yet it appears that they have gone down one rote only, a very easy one to police, that gives them some figures to make them look like they are doing a good job/meeting what the public 'wanted'.


As my math teacher once told me "there are three types of lies in this life; black ones, white ones and statistics".


Do I agree with what this guy has done, maybe I do, maybe I don't. However, I don't agree with the camera thing full stop. Their just a cash cow and cannot provide the actual policing we, the public, expect. Nor do they in the majority of cases provide a means to stop the offender committing the same offence again. There just a cheap way of the generating revenue.

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