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My Sons house was broken into last night.He has SGC & FAC and he is away at work.

No forced entry but back and front door both open so obviously someone has keys.

They have only recently bought the house and have not changed the locks.

Nothing at all stolen so probably disturbed.

Problem is this.

Police telephoned my Son to ask him where the keys were for his cabinet to check that guns were still there.They woke him up at 1am so he told them where the keys were instead of saying he had them with him.

They checked that all the guns were there and left saying all was ok.

I hope this will be the last he will hear of this but not so sure.




I know that is not how you spell burgled but not able to edit title

Edited by hogey
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this is an interesting one and I'm sure as he was asked for the keys that won't be an issue but whether the guns are still there another. If it was suspected someone had keys to the house and may have spotted a cabinet I would imagine they would want them either moved or the locks changed ASAP, If they have taken them into safe keeping so to speak bearing in mind the house was empty I wouldn't be surprised. Fingers crossed it all sorts out without too much agro

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I take it the wife was in when the police checked his guns dave.


And i take it you are spending the day changing the locks.


hows the thumb.... :oops:


see you saturday.




The FEO called today to see if all was ok.He asked daughter in law how she new where the keys were and she told him police had phoned her husband and asked where spare keys were and they told her where to find them.So he said good and would see them in 3 years when his cert was up for renewal.So alls well.

Locks now changed and my thumbs bloody sore,thank you



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Knew someone in a very similar situation, the burglars did quiet a bit of damage getting in so the Police took his guns to a local RFD to be locked up until the property was made secure,

after a couple of days Feo brought them back and rechecked security.


The guns were not on the burglars list and they probably did`nt now they were there but always a worrying thing.

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The FEO called today to see if all was ok.He asked daughter in law how she new where the keys were and she told him police had phoned her husband and asked where spare keys were and they told her where to find them.So he said good and would see them in 3 years when his cert was up for renewal.So alls well.

Locks now changed and my thumbs bloody sore,thank you





glad things have worked out ok



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