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end of season mixed day


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nice way to round off the season;3 of us had a walk round for anything that got up and flew;obviously game and pigeons.i didn;t start with the other 2 they was there earlier than me and they had set up a hide on a stubble field that was full of crows with the intention of having a couple of hours on them then have a walk round;i joined up with them at around 12pm and they were just packing up the gear;crows stopped flighting.they got 7 crows they left them in the ditch so no pic of them.after dinner we walked the stubbles pushed a few parts off them but no chance of a shot;;downed a pheasant and lost a pheasant..then we walked some scrub land and birch woods for woodcock parts and pheasants. pushed a lot of woodcock from the cover giving all 3 of us chances at them;then headed back towards the cars a flock of pigeon decided to come right over us off a rape field nearby so we took 4 birds out of them ..decided on a duck flight to end the season we split up 2 on one pond me on another but when we got to the ponds they were frozen over. me dad and dave decided not to shoot 1 pond i thought i would stay on the off chance of a few passing; sat it out for 45 mins 2 mallard came round for a look dropped one of them then a long wait; then a pack of teal came from nowhere managed a shot dropped one of them but lost it in cover behind me.so final bag 7 crows 3 woodcock 2 parts 4 pigeon 1 mallard 1 teal

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