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Anti hunters


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I would have told her I will spend my money on what i like and shut the **** up, then complained to the manager and hope to get her the sack so she can join her tree hugging mates on the dole. She has no right to comment on what you do when shelling out your hard earned on your fave mag and deserves a stiff rebuke a stiff reality check to and a stiff….. think you get the drift, stand up and be counted like a man, if a teenage girl in a shop can stand you down what chance have we got?


Cavemen rule


Pavman on the soapbox

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Always pays to rise above this type of encounter ..............A nice smile ,a pleasant exchange of words and a conduct of character that totally is unaware of her verbal shi*e .........BEST FORM OF ATTACK .



Thats what I tell my Girls(7 - 9 yrs ) to do when faced with hostility ......Works every time :yp:



Ive :P


On the other hand you can always take your hard earned cash eleswhere ....Oviously letting the manager know the reasons why ;)

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Anyone noticed more and more shops have stopped selling shooting mags?


3 years ago you could buy a selection from almost any news agents.. the other day I visited

Hasting, and not one* shop sold a shooting mag. All the magazines now show big breasted bimbos on the front cover.. :yp:




*(tried 7 different news agents)


This does not help us hunters, as the only place where people hear about hunting now, is when something goes wrong, and it gets to the newspaper.. no mwonder there's so many anti's

7 newsagents? Just to be sure eh? I've seen you in our local newsagent browsing the top shelf before.... just to be sure though. ;)

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Ive had comments like that in the past to which I reply So You are a Vegetarian then ? Most suprisingly dont seem to be I love to explain to these People how the meat they eat is farmed and finished they normally back down quite quickley :lol:

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I'd have politely asked to speak with the manager and told them why I wouldn't be spending ANY of my money with them all the time that lassie was working there. I'd then get all my mates to call in and see what occurred. Hopefully the same thing then eventually the manager would have to see (economic) sense. I'd also write a letter of complaint to the magazine distributors giving them the details of the store. I know it's a pain in the butt but if you don't stand up for your sport you will lose it!

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