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Hide in middle of field

pigeon predator

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Hi guys!

I'm in a situation where i need to construct my hide in the middle of a huge rape field, can you please give me some advice as best to do it ie- with or without a roof, shoot sitting so i can make the hide lower and more discreet those kind of things.

Plus if you could give me some advice on the decoy pattern you would use in this situation and how far from the hide you would put it.

Looking forward to your posts and advice guys!



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If you are sure the flightline is going through or to where you intend to set up a mid field set up can work .

I normaly use a roofed or half roofed hide for a little more concealment as im no lover of being a statue or wearing a mask.

Set the hide with your back to the wind, pattern set out is much the same as if the hide was on a field edge, the pattern can be a little closer to the hide as the only object in the birds flight area would be your hide.

I have set up in the middle of a field many times and have decoyed close to the hide , even had the odd bird land on the roof of the hide (not good for a shot).

Alter the pattern and make sure your concealed from view if the birds shy away, its an advantage if you can set the hide a few days beforehand so the birds can get used to it but on my grounds not feasable.

Make sure the crops owner is ok with you setting up mid field, know on some of my permissions they are not happy with it .

Good luck and let us know how you get on .

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me and my mate tried it the other week for the first time had seven hide poles in a circle rapped in camo netting covered with army camo think you need to keep low till you take a shot but i think its better than up against a hedge as you can see all round but you may have problems in high winds

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Alternatively, dig a small pit in the tractor wheelings to take your feet and then set up a low level hide with your face to the wind. Set the decoys to which ever side best suits your swing in either the "comma" or "L" shape.

If it is a strong wind you could get some great snap-shooting by placing the deeks in 2 bunches 60yds directly upwind of the hide, the birds will be either coming over your head or R&L of you from behind and will be cracking shots. I had my best cartridge to kill ratio setting up like this with birds coming over my left shoulder so I was shooting going away birds from L to R.

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