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Bettinsoli supersport


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I have a Bettinsoli 30" sportster with Multi chock, had it nearly two years, looks good, better wood and looks than most other low cost guns, never had a problem and wood fit very good


Mine has mechanical action so very reliable when only using 21 or 24 gram cartriges


Face the facts all shotguns are now made by CNC machines so only woodwork and engraving if any is the main difference between low cost and high cost.


everyone will now say thats rubbish and you need to spend much more to get a good gun and if low cost guns were any good why dont the best shots use them answer they are paid to sell the more expensive guns or feel better owning a expensive gun

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I had a supersport, bloody cracking gun, never missed a beat balanced well...great value.My mate bionicle had the diamond line used it for rough shooting and treated it rough again never missed a beat!


However for £800 you could get a decent second hand beretta or browning and if you are going to take up clays seriously then ultimately you will end up with one or t'other


I wouldnt buy a lanber cos all lanber owns smell like wee wee, its a well documented fact!!



What ever you do Dont listen to **** like this:


A budget gun, I shoot budget air rifles at the moment. Does it fit and feel OK. If yes pay £800 ish (brand spankers) and have fun. Have mounted Bettinsolis and not a patch on Winchester, Berettea and Browning, to barrel heavy for me.


HOW THE HELL CAN YOU TELL HOW A GUN FEELS BY MOUNTING IT??????????????????????? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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