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Putting something back into shooting

The Duncan

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Good evening PW folks.


I took my lad to see Bakerboy today for his first go with a shotgun on one of his permissions in Hertfordshire. BB supplied the .410, carts and no-nonsense but friendly instruction to Jake (10) and got him to safely and successfully shoot targets out to and just a bit beyond 20 yards - at the end of the session, the targets were spent cartridges which again, Jake clobbered (but took a couple of goes at the furthest one!).

A day that little legs will not forget, I have no doubt :D



Furthermore, BB helped me out with my own shotgun shooting (eye-dominance issue, amongst others! :lol: ) and has also leant me his black synth Hatsan Escort (and other kit) for a period to see how I get on with it.


So a heartfelt thank you to Bakerboy for helping a newby shotgunner and his boy out as they get started. Such assistance given freely at this stage is incredibly helpful and encouraging to those taking up the sport.

I know that we are not the first (and doubt we'll be the last) beginners that BB has lent his assistance to.


In the same vein, I too would like to put something back into the shooting community and so offer some airgun lamping in North Bucks area to anyone else who is starting out and needs a few practical pointers.

I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I know what I'm doing in this area and will be happy to share what I have learned :yes:

My only requirement is basic shooting insurance.

PM if you want to take the offer up.



All the best and thanks again Terry,


Duncan :)

Edited by The Duncan
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Hi there

Thanks for the kind words.

Jake is a shooter of the future,

Even in the picture he has remembered to keep his finger away from the trigger, he absorbed all he was told and this must bode well for the future.

Duncan you have to remember to keep the weight on the front foot and keep the gun moving, you have to lose the "rifle shooting" habits.


Any way a good afternoon out despite the weather, and of course the bonus was we did not have to get assistance getting our vehicle back on track, like some (blackla) if you haven't read the post in the off road section do it now, funniest post for a long while.

Edited by bakerboy
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