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shorting a cz542 .22lr

the shooter

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i am looking to get a cz542 .22lr for bunny busting as the rounds are a lot cheaper than my .17hmr but want it to be short as i want to use it out of my truck and find my .17 can be a bit clumsey. a smith said he could cut it down to a 12'' barrel and it would still be fine but someone else said not to go below 16''. wot are your thoughts please.

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12.5'' sounds good to me.

the smith said i could take up to 10% off i think before it has to be re-proofed.

my .17hmr has a 20'' barrel and my brother has the same rifle but with a 16'', it shoots the same groups out to well over 100 yards but it feels so much better balanced and more usable.

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12.5'' sounds good to me.

the smith said i could take up to 10% off i think before it has to be re-proofed.

my .17hmr has a 20'' barrel and my brother has the same rifle but with a 16'', it shoots the same groups out to well over 100 yards but it feels so much better balanced and more usable.



That's a new one to me, next time your there ask him where he gets his information.



Edited by Dekers
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You wil need at least 14" of barrel to allow all the powder to burn , you dont have to have the barrel reproofed so long as you dont sell it , cutting it to 12" is the absolute legal minimum , should you need to recrown at some point you would be stuffed as you cant go below the 12" its at so its best to stay above that .



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I have a 20" HMR and 16" LR as I don't use the HMR for lamping very often. However when I do the 16" certainly is easier to manage but it doesn't need to be any shorter than that. I'd have the barrel checked to see if it's choked as CZ say that some of their barrels are. I'm not sure if this is true but it would be worth checking.


If you have the barrel cut down, you would need it re-proofing if you intend to sell the gun, regardless of how much has been cut.


I'd go with what Apache said and just buy it in 16" to start with.

Edited by Colster
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