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fox on the wall


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I had a similar situation last night while I was out looking foxing! I had shot a vixen earl;ier in the evening but later on I spotted a large (I believe) dog fox sitting on the top of an embankment about 80 yards from me. It was as if he was just sitting there right on the sky line watching me, I didn't even need the lamp to make him out as he sat offering one of the most perfect targets I have had for a long time. Had there been a back stop he would most certainly have been a very dead fox but I NEVER take chances without a safe back stop so I didn't take the shot. I tried calling him but all he would do was to get up and walk along the top of the embankment a short while and sit down again. It was as if he knew I couldn't take a shot and he wasn't too bothered about me being there so he was just taking the p**s! This went on for about 10 minutes until he dropped down over the far side of the embankment and wasn't seen again.

They really can be crafty little devils can't they but sooner of later I am going to outsmart him! :yes:

A very good video there showing how bold they can be at times!

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I spotted this lad while out stalking yesterday, he dropped down on the wrong side of the wall :angry:


Its always a tough call when your out stalking, to shoot and ruin your chance of a deer, or take aim and squeeze. :lol:



Can't see it - seems to be a few others I can't see either though, only a small red X in the upper left corner.

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