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£2.00 per litre for petrol????


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Now, I know it's a bit off topic, but you have to start somewhere. The government is a bit too big for me to take on first so I'm going to build up to it by starting with the District Council. My council tax will be going up again with a decrease in sevices. As a profit is made from some of the re-cycled waste, I'm going to start charging them 50p a kilo for the appropriate items they collect.

The first attack on the government may have something to do with the DVLA, who, if you read the small print on the forms for the renewal of your driving licence photograph, have a business partner for checking on your details. I reckon that there could be a copyright issue here; or the invasion of privacy at the very least.


Totally agree with you :good:



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I was going to change to a double cab pick up this year but I can't bring myself to do it!


I did hear from a wagon driver that they had been warned not to take any action against the fuel increase or they may find their operators license harder to renew??


My wife is from Canada and we now talk everyday about moving over there.




I Wonder if that was put about by the government as they are very scared of another boycot of any description :rolleyes:

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The next elections not far off, mark my words, the con-lib is starting to fall apart,and when the libs decide enough is enough thats when it will happen. :yes: :yes: :yes:


so who is going to get in? the last lot of inept jocks, and PC correct feminists, and ahems? who allowed MY country to be colonised and had it not been for the fact we could devalue the pound, would have had us in a worse state than greece? oh and do you really think petrol would be cheaper? and that its really this govts fault? if so the sleeping pills must work!



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