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30gram plastic recipe for AS wanted

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I have data for up to 28gram with a plastic wad in a 70mm case or 32 gram in a 67mm case. Not sure if they are transferable so would like a 30gram recipe for 70mm or at least comfirmation that using the 67mm recipe in a 70mm case is OK. It uses 21grains of AS over a CX2000 primer.


This will mean I can just buy the one powder for pretty much all of my reloads from 24gram clay loads to 30 pigeon loads :good:

Edited by sitsinhedges
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You are going up a case size ie more volume so you will be ok with a 67mm load in a 70mm case just use a 3mm o/p card in the wad , Also that 34 gram load has a stated pressure of 610 bar 140 bar below max.

The gualandi site also shows a 30 gram load using 23 grains of AS together with a super v zero wad and a medium primer (cx1000) with RTO closure.

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You are going up a case size ie more volume so you will be ok with a 67mm load in a 70mm case just use a 3mm o/p card in the wad , Also that 34 gram load has a stated pressure of 610 bar 140 bar below max.

The gualandi site also shows a 30 gram load using 23 grains of AS together with a super v zero wad and a medium primer (cx1000) with RTO closure.


I thought it would be OK but a second opinion is always welcome.


Have you got a link to that Guilandi site please :)

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Guest cookoff013

just use the recipe for the 32g shot.

why not use the data for 28g or 32g shot?


what is the cartridge to be used for, cheap ?


i use titewad for 32g, 30g, 28g, 24g, 21g, 17g steel and 14g steel.

just dont expect the 32g loads to be fast. they are subsonic, and the pressure is still under 10kpsi !

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Guest cookoff013

I have data for up to 28gram with a plastic wad in a 70mm case or 32 gram in a 67mm case. Not sure if they are transferable so would like a 30gram recipe for 70mm or at least comfirmation that using the 67mm recipe in a 70mm case is OK. It uses 21grams of AS [/color] over a CX2000 primer.


This will mean I can just buy the one powder for pretty much all of my reloads from 24gram clay loads to 30 pigeon loads :good:



please re varify your data !

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Guest cookoff013

Well spotted 21 'GRAINS' of AS :good:


lol, i had to re-read that.

i did have a conversation with a guy who was using 3drams of nobel 80.

3 drams is 82 grains !

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Well I tried a few loaded with 30 and 32 grams of shot and 20.5 grains of vectan AS and found the speed to be pretty much identical to what I was getting with 23.5 grains of A1 (1175fps), so that would mean the powder saving makes every 8th cartridge free with respect to the propellant. It's the same velocity I was getting Gamebore 30gram fibre pigeon loads too.


My A1 recipe is devastating on pigeon so this should be too :good:

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Guest cookoff013

just because the speed is the same, doesnt mean the pressure is too.

32g lead and vectan AS arnt the best combination.


just makesure it doesnt exceed any good published data. (just because it is written down doesnt mean it is any good.)


also the 32g lead loads and vectan AS should give a blindingly cheap / good subsonic load.

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just because the speed is the same, doesnt mean the pressure is too.

32g lead and vectan AS arnt the best combination.


just makesure it doesnt exceed any good published data. (just because it is written down doesnt mean it is any good.)


also the 32g lead loads and vectan AS should give a blindingly cheap / good subsonic load.


The stated pressure for the heaviest load with 21grains of AS is 610bar, well in :good:

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