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Shooting Pigeon in Grain Barn - advice needed


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hi there,


have had a guy let me rid his barn of pigeons but having seen them they are very keen on sitting right next to the iron roof.


Although this does give me a great 'sitting duck' shot I have been told to avoid shooting them there as the pellets will damage the roof.


Will a .22 vermin pellet punch a hole in a grain shed roof? I think differently but any advice would be greatly recieved.


Also - if the roof proves to be a big no no how can i get them into a better position for a clean shot?


Starter pistol to startle them and hope they settle somewhere else?




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Can you work out a sit up position that is well concealed? If so then try baiting them out with a pile of grain or whatever is around the site. Try for a day or two before you start shooting. Then when you know the exact distance between bait and firing position you can pop away at the *******.

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Hi Stu,


first - question(s) : what rifle are you using ? what's the range ?


I think it would be very unlikely that a pellet would damage an iron roof, other than making a very small dent/mark, which would be hard to see amongst all the pigeon cr*p !!


One of the arts of Airgunning is to be silent - so don't go banging around with a starter pistol, as that defeats the object of the excercise.


b wishes,

the Lizard

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Hi - there is scattered grain all throughout so i fear baiting would be a wasted effort.


Do you think the pellet would make daylight through the roof?


Theres only 3 or 4 pigeons but they are crapping allover the guys machinery and rusting it up bigstyle - i would rather 'in and out' with this one than sitting around for 3 days for 4 pigeons!


If I scare them with the starter would they be likely to fly out the door? or simply settle somewhere else.


They have not been shot at before.

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ok as Mr lizzard has asked, what rifle are you using? and what power is it?


what distance away is the tin roof? and what condition is it in?


I have seen a guy accedintaly shoot the roof of the hut we were in and that just scared the **** out of us and just splattered a pellet against it, put a nice big dent in it and flacked the paint off, but apart from dent no majoy damage.


ROB ;)


ps he had a bloody big saftey lecture and was rather red in the face after the event :thumbs: it was a sprnger and he hit the trigger when the rifle was on its way to the shoulder, he now keeps finger well and truly away from the trigger until he is on aim <_<

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you're going to all this trouble for ONLY 3 or 4 pigeons.......



the Lizard

Doesn't matter if there is only 1 ! If it needs to be dealt with there's a job to be done and the owner is going to be pleased and that in turn means he keeps you on!


Nothing should be too much trouble really :thumbs:

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you're going to all this trouble for ONLY 3 or 4 pigeons.......



the Lizard

Doesn't matter if there is only 1 ! If it needs to be dealt with there's a job to be done and the owner is going to be pleased and that in turn means he keeps you on!


Nothing should be too much trouble really :thumbs:

Mr. Snake is right, of course. ;)



(as one reptile to another....LoL <_< )

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Hello all,


Thanks for the help - went up this morning and found two of them - checked the pellet situation by firing a 'tester' into the roof - which flustered them and got them both sitting up.


The pellet just ricoched so i new it was ok to progress (it is metal all round with no wooden backstop so i had to be carful of bounce back)


Got my first woodie with my first shot using a beat up car as cover!


out like a light which was great!


the other one hid then sat great but someone kept banging the barndoor and it kept moving.


Went into another shed and here was another few - not sitting at all well for a shot though.


then it all went eerily quite.


next thing i now a kestral had joined me in the barn so all the pigeons ******** off!


Still - leaves more for the next trip and hopefully the kestrel will have a nice meal also!



it might just have been a couple of woodies but they have been there for ages and you should see the mess they have made - they had to go.

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I'm pretty sure they were woodies - they had the white collars.


I'm new to this malarky however so I might be wrong.


I just hope that there are more to follow because it is my first bit of shed i have been given permission to shoot at and it was quite enjoyable!


even had to 'roll' under a stuck metal door to get the shot off!


To those i missed above....

MY GUN IS A GAMO 55cal .22


any advice on outright killing distance with this gun would be greatly appreciated as i am not into wounding and having to chase after the poor fella flapping away - like any respectable shooter i want to kill without any pain.




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Yeah, such a lovely bird - flew by the bright orange lamps a few times and it's feathers were glowing!


Such agility in the air as well - it swooped and swerved over my head a few times - majestic!


As I was driving away I saw a huge Hawk of some kind sitting on a fence post also, no more than 10 ft away.


such a pleasant morning!

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