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I have been asked to clear some crows from my Sunday shoot. Last Sunday was spent doing some homework. I have found the area(s) that they come into feed on. When disturbed they fly into a wooded area. Shooting them in the wooded area is not really feasable because it is hard to get a bead on them amongst the branches.

They feed in an open field so I was thinking about using an old chicken carcass as bait, sitting in the bush 30 yds away fully camoed up and taking them that way. I need them to land and be fairly static before shooting them.

Any other tips would be helpful. I was going to use decoys but I wondered how many do I need, where to place them in relation to the bait, plus anything else.


There was a link to an American site on crows but I cannot find it now!



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the good thing about crows is that its about the only time you can use the word MURDER in the same sentance as guns and shooting LOL


ROB ;)


ps im going to have to see if i can find a nice little teddy in a charity shop and just pop him in the middle of the field near the club, just to see what happens LOL

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Get yourself a Falcon decoy, they will HATE it.


Either they will come down directly for the decoy and mob it or perch in the nearest tree and abuse the hell out of it.


With an Air Rifle id say you best bet would be to place a decoy near a sitty tree, then get them when they perch to scream at the deek.


Camo may help you to a degree but you need to make sure that your well hidden.

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the good thing about crows is that its about the only time you can use the word MURDER in the same sentance as guns and shooting LOL


ROB ???

Hi Rob,


?????? that's very clever !!



I'm not an expert in this area but, as these are crows, why not forget about decoys and just use some more bait. Get on your Rubber Gloves m8, and collect some tasty roadkill !!


the Lizard

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dont underestimate crows,rooks.they are very clever .i use two owl decoys wich sit over bait.put your bait well away from hide but in shooting range,to keep them around push dog biscuits in ground,allso put bait only out 2 days before to get them confident,if it works on day DONT shoot 1st one that lands let them eat and spread the word,and early start mate ??? if your only using air rifle make a bloody good hide.as 35 yards aint far ???

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I did think about the road kill route but I might not happen upon any between now and Sunday. Same with the rabbit idea, I can't afford the time to get one on Sunday morning before I start on the crows.


Camo should not be a problem as I have now finished my ghille suit. If I say so myself it is one of the best I have seen. It took a lot of time and research getting it just right. Oh and thanks to the wife who spent 4 hours helping me on Saturday doing it! (What a task master, made sure it was perfect and wouldn't let me cut corners and bodge it up!) The gun camo is also taken care of so I should be all set now.


Does the bait work best if it "mings a bit" or is it best fresh?

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Hiu Snakebite - I have looked up loads on Rooks and crows etc, and have found this fairly useful link :




Hope it helps, I like the idea of a decoy - falcon / owl etc, in the Jan issue of airgun mag they tested some dudes Goshawk - I believe Donkeymagic suggested it earlier - will let you know how I get on with my Rooks ! ???

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