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Birchwood Casey Stock Wax on New Beretta


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Just taken delivery of my bottle of Birchwood Casey Stock Wax for my new Beretta Silver Pigeon 1


After reading the recent thread on water spots and it ruining the finish I thought I better get a layer of something on it before it went the same way


in the original thread they wiped it down with IPA to remove the spots and then applied the wax, On a new gun with factory oiled stock, will i need to do the IPA wipe down or not? before applying the wax? :hmm:




It also says it can be used on metal, I am guessing it maybe best to keep to a lightly oiled rag to wipe over the metal, but whats peoples thoughts on waxing the metal sections :hmm:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well put the stockwax to the test when I got wet shooting lastnight


I even wiped the gun down before putting it back in it's slip, got home 30mins later and I still got the rain spotted marks on the stock !!!!


Tried to wipe them off, with a cloth, the wax again and even a bit of mr sheen, which my gun dealer recommended when I queried the issue after reading spiderdudes posts on the same silver pig1


Annoyed is a understatement to say the least, especially after at least 4 coats of wax

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sorry saw this too late do not use birchwood casey wax !!! :blush: if you or anyone has any quieries about thier woodwok please give me a shout on my topic and I'll try my best to answer it and if i don't know I'll find out for you



Edited by straightshooter1
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Thanks for your reply, to be honest since Birchwood claim that its a waterproof wax and it obviously isn't as i would have thought 4 thin layers will have stopped water drop stains then i was going to look towards something else that is better, maybe oils etc


I have emailed GMK today to ask their advice on it, and i am awaiting there response


Out of interest why is the stock wax a bad idea?

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as for the wax its ok on a true oiled stocks in fact no it's not even ok on them i think the stuff is rubbish on a true oiled stock mr sheen is the best it has bees wax in it lol! but it dosen't protect an oiled stock I make my own mixture but for something that is available off the shelf so to speak the best thing that i find for an oiled stocks is paker hale walnut oil just type this into google and plenty of places sell it but do not use it to refinnish a stock as the grain must first be sealed


it's great and a very small amount rubbed till warm between the hands is all you need just dry the stock first wiping any excess water off then when the stock is dry at room tempreture apply and leave it's very similar to the stuff I use and seems to do the job but beware paker hale do two types one is rubbish get the one in the picture



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Thanks for your reply


My stock although spotted was no were near as bad as the one featured in the beretta water stained thread


However a email to gmk has resulted in a call from them saying they will speak to the wood department on Monday and call me back with a solution of some sorts


I will post what they come back to me with

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Thanks for your reply


My stock although spotted was no were near as bad as the one featured in the beretta water stained thread


However a email to gmk has resulted in a call from them saying they will speak to the wood department on Monday and call me back with a solution of some sorts


please let us know as I also have the same silver pigeon but have been lucky and not yet got it wet.

Many thanks




I will post what they come back to me with

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Will do,


Looking at it again this morning in better light it's looks normal satin finish with spots in various sizes that are dull depending which direction I'm looking at


A quick ipa wipe over had no effect, so hopefully gmk will have a solution to get back a perfect finish or atleast a finish that won't mark just looking at water

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still waiting on GMK to call but apparently its tuesday when the stocker is in (i presume a stocker is the wood chap)


I hope i get some advice on the way forward prior to this weekend as i feel like i can't use it in the rain :angry:


His un-advised opinion was maybe a stock conditioner was required, well i hope it will have more effect than IPA and Mr Sheen that was tried on a section at the weekend

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I've used CCL Stock conditioning oil on mine since it was new several weeks ago and it seems perfect.


I've put 4 applications on so far but as mentioned earlier I haven't used the gun in the rain so can't tell if it helps to prevent the marking you mention.


CCL was recommended on this site and by gun shop so thought I'd try it.



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just got off the phone with GMK


they have said they are willing to look at the gun if it was sent back to them and take it from there with what ever is required


I have said i have been recommended a stock prep oil above and he said it would be a good idea to to so, if this doesn't fix it, i am more than welcome to contact them again to take the issue up with them again and using the oil will not have any effect on how it is handled


The have said they use CCL Conditioning Oil, but i have ordered the one recommended by sharpshooter last night anyway (hopefully here before the weekend) also if they use CCL its not upto much wet weather work ;)


Mark I would contact them regarding yours, I sent mine via email and was contacted later that day and have found them more than helpful so far :good:

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Since my spots are no were near as bad as the picture in the other thread and can just be seen dependant on the angle I'm looking at the stock at, I am going to risk the conditioning oil, they have said they will look at it if i am not happy, and your right they might say its due to the oil once done


However much I would like the out of the box look, its going to get marks here and there, though I would prefer less spots, I have decided to see how the oil goes and get a few coats of it on over the next few nights, and if needs be in the future have the stock refinished to perfection

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