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barn owl wanted

taxidermy dave

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Worried here, TAXIDERMY dave is looking for live barn owl :) only joking :lol: can see why you want one they are nice birds and well tempered. I know a guy that used to breed them, but he's moved to spain or portugal now, i forget which :lol:

Good luck anyway :thumbs:

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Hi dave look no further than the cage and aviary magazine comes out every thursday. you can buy any bird from a sparrow up to a golden eagle; Just make sure it has paper work with it article 10. ;)The trouble is Dave they dont do alot get something worthwhile like a harris hawk, easy to train,they follow you like a dog and brilliant hunters I have had several all been great.Get your self a good book or someone who knows abit about it to help you first, good luck.

Edited by charlie
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Try these literally a stones through from my Office in Gloucester.


They some times have captive bred Owls which have been used in Breeding Programmes to re-home.


Coincidentally the lady who lives next door to me has a male in captivity which has been used for a breeding programme. She did have a pair but the other died.


Be warned they(males) make one hell of a racket during spring and summer months with a loud hissing noise which travels for miles. This normally starts of at dusk and continues through the night every night ! :thumbs:


The sight of a lone bird hawking the hedgerow or riverbank like a Giant Moth on a warm late summers evening is an experience which lives in the memory for ever.


Wonderful Birds.



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