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Awaiting firearms interview


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hi i submitted my FAC application about 1 month ago but had not heard anything. I rang the firearms office today and the lady said they had processed it and sent it to my FEO on the 6th of April. i explained that the FEO had not contacted me and she gave me his name and phone number to ring him if i wish. My question is should i be patient and wait for him to ring or give him a call and hopefully speed it up a little.

Many thanks :/

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A month is a joke its always the same with every firearms department you have to give them the occasional poke every step of the way you have to be on their heels orelse they will drop the ball and thats when delays happen. Ring him just tell him your name and so on tell him you have contacted the firearms department and they told you that they had sent your case to him on the 6th of april which is 2 WEEKS AGO!!! i think he should have contacted you by now. Also pin him down to a date and time which is suitable for you both dont let him say i'll look in my diary and call you back (BIGGEST BLAG EVER) lol. Good Luck.

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RING them up,might help you jump to the top of his list of mysterious paper work,i did and he came out to visit next day :good:



Thanks guy gave him a bell and he's coming tomorrow :good: just a bit nervous now lol

Told you :good::lol:

Dont be nervous,most are very helpful easy going :yes:

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I would - I phoned mine after 8 weeks to find out what was going on, and he told me he was struggling to fit people in for appointments as everyone wanted them after work - 6pm-ish. I told him I was available from lunchtime on Fridays, and the following Friday he visited. :good:

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