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flight pond


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Hi I have got quite allot of time off school coming up due to exam leave :devil: and am hoping to start improving my flight ponds. So was wondering if there were any plants/trees/bushes that I could plant to improve the look of the pond to attract more duck but I don’t want anything that will cost to much or grow to big say 8ft tall at the most as the ponds aren’t that big.


I went down to them today to repair the duck blinds so I know there is nothing nesting on them at the moment so I wont be disturbing anything. There was just an old nest that looks as though it was abandoned about a month ago. :)


Also I have heard off a number of people that if you put barley bales into the ponds it will help keep down the algae growth so before I roll a massive bale into them dose this really work.


If there is anything else you can suggest that will improve them please say. ???

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Do you have islands, or anchored artificial islands, in your flight ponds ?


Ducks prefer to nest out on the water, rather than along the banks, for security purposes.

If you can raise a brood or two on your ponds and feed them, they will return and attract other ducks.


Willow is a good bank cover and easy to plant, as are ordinary rushes.

I would avoid any introduction of water lilies, water weeds or things similar.

They have a nasty habit of getting out of control and needing lots of maintenace time.

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we do not have an island as of such but in the middle is a big patch of bull rushes as it started ou6t as a little damp pit full of them so we dug out a 5 metre moat around them the water is about 1 foot deep were they are with about 3 - 4ft all the waty round shallowing up as you get to the bank.


we do have some nest boxs on it though as we reasised 4 call ducks on it last year so put the boxs in as extra shelter the poor things lasted about 6 months till the fox had cleared them up.

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