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Which Crow Caller?


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They say it never rains but it pours! I went out earlier to get some fresh air and have a pop at a few crows. I have been using an "ACME" Crow Caller but today it started sounding a little like Donald Duck with Laringitis (Sp) and then it gave up completely! To top the lot it started pouring down and I got soaked before I could get back to the car - I think I need a very very large glass of Scotch now, but try convincing my wife of that!

I have had a look on our favourite auction site and there seem to be a few different makes to chose from -

Another "ACME" (I have never been completely happy with the tone of the one that I had!

A "Johnny Stewart" Crow and Rook Caller

A "FLEXTONE" Crow and Rook Caller.

A "PRIMOS" Power Crow Caller.


If we forget about the price (There is very little difference between them on price anyway) which one of the three would you recommend please and why? (Reliability, Tone, Etc.)

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Get yourself a Primos Power Crow call. When used correctly, they are brilliant. I can call in Crows, Rooks and Jackdaws. They retail for around a tenner. :good:

I have heard of them but there were none on fleabay at the moment! I will ammend my O.P. to include them!


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