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fac application first time

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Hi there


Was just wondering wether some of you guys might be able to help me with wording on my application. Im applying for the first time for my fac, and I would like to apply for a .22 rf and .17 hmr, the reason for applying for these is for vermin control (I do have permission to shoot on land which is cleared). On the firearm applciation is the reason "vermin control" a valid enough use for two fairly similar calibres. As im just wondering wether the fao might come back to me and say you could get away using only 1 calibre.




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Hi there


Was just wondering wether some of you guys might be able to help me with wording on my application. Im applying for the first time for my fac, and I would like to apply for a .22 rf and .17 hmr, the reason for applying for these is for vermin control (I do have permission to shoot on land which is cleared). On the firearm applciation is the reason "vermin control" a valid enough use for two fairly similar calibres. As im just wondering wether the fao might come back to me and say you could get away using only 1 calibre.





Depending where your from, you could put, 17hmr for fox and ground vermin and the 22 for ground vermin. Put the two calibres down on the application and sound mods for each. Another good reason for the two calibres could be, 22 for noise sensitive area (shooting in close proximity to livestock and places of residence) and hmr for longer range shooting where noise isnt an issue. :good:

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Yeah I'd go with that I just put down vermin control but either is fine. 750 rounds for each to hold and 500 to buy at any time. Is what I put down for and got. Also don't forget moderators for each which Swiss just said. And for reason just put hearing protection. A can't think of owt else off top of my head but good luck with the application.

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Just put vermin control and or target shooting, when you have your interview your FEO will chat with you and you can justify your reasons then, just negotiate with him. most state .17hmr for daytime longer range etc etc and .22 with mod for night shooting.


Mine said for target shooting i had to be a member of a club and have served my probation! Mond you she did read it from their handbook!



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I put vermin control for both those calibres and wasnt questioned on either.

As already said Moderators for both, hearing protection being the reason.

Amunition, buy 500 & hold 750 of each calibre and dont forget to state expanding for the amunition!

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I've never heard that before about the shooting at night with a specific caliber I thought you could use what you wanted didn't mine never ever said that to me.


not so much a specific calibre, it is just more leverage to have both rim-fire calibres, you can`t get quieter than a .22 rim-fire. My FEO told me to use that reason and it worked, i actually got 2 x .22 slots one dedicated night vision and the other for daytime plus the .17hmr for fox and vermin etc at daytime and night time.


Mine said for target shooting i had to be a member of a club and have served my probation! Mond you she did read it from their handbook!




Yes you do have to be a member of a club but you can still have the condition as it states each calibre then goes onto say to be used at home office approved clubs etc. The initial grant you will get because of the land you have.

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I've never heard that before about the shooting at night with a specific caliber I thought you could use what you wanted didn't mine never ever said that to me.

you can use wat you want day or nite but he needs to justife why he needs too calibers that are nearly the same sometimes

flo will only want you have 22 or 17

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