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Roadkill deer - Preserving skull/antlers


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My mother has been looking for a set of antlers/deer skull for her lounge (frustrated ideas of owning a castle/estate I guess) for a while now, and has been asking me when I am actually going to go stalking and get something that she can use, either a set of antlers of some sort, or a trophy mounted head/skull.


Now, I've not been deer stalking yet, and have not been able to make plans to go either, but I saw a roadkill deer, looks like a Roe on the way home his lunchtime that had a decent set of short antlers on it. Assuming for the moment that it is legal to park up and remove the head of a dead deer on the grass verge, what would be the best way to go about preserving the skull so that it could be trophy mounted? Could I just take said severed head to a friendly taxidermist and ask him to do the business? Could I do it myself using a spoon, a mitre saw and a Leatherman?


I guess that if I did it my mother would have a special set of antlers that would have sentimental value to her, but it might look a bit gash.

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I may be wrong but have always understood deer 'belong' to the adjacent landowner so they would need to be sought out and their permission obtained for anything to do with even a carcass including a roadkill.


Unlikely this is carried out in the real world (as local District Councils will turn up on being reported remove said carcass and dispose of appropriately!) but worth sure of and being aware of the detail for the problem(s)it may well cause/open up..........




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Hmmmmm. I think it technically on the highway boundary, well, maybe half on that, half in a ditch. I think I know the farmer of the land adjoining, but not that well.


My big problem is how people will react if they see me stop, cut the head off a deer, then walk back to my car holding a severed head. The last thing I want is a visit from the Police asking what I was doing. It would not be appreciated.


I've also been told that leaving the head in the freezer at work over the weekend would not be appreciated.

Edited by Wookie
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legally its technically theft I assume but in reality who is going to complain. You'd need to do it subtly and if its been there long it won't be a pleasant job :oops:

If you had a visit from the police while doing it most would laugh and think you're a little strange but can't see any thinking its a worth offence to arrest you for.

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Very true. I think it got hit this morning or last night as I can't remember seeing it last night on the way home, but putting the whole thing in my car might be a bit of a task. Also, how to get rid of the rest of it? The one suggestion so far would arguably get me in more trouble for looking shifty than just taking the head (it was to dispose of the body in an old carpet. Very mafia).


A late night trip could be on order I think.

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I reckon the actual doing and prepping could make this a corker of a thread just make sure you get some pics :lol:


Its a sod of a job the first time I've got my first one sat on top of the shed with the last bits left to clean off after boiling. Has to be up high as the dog is obsessed with it :oops:

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If I were you mate I'd go along one evening, as long as your subtle about it you won't have a problem. How many times do you see people stopped on the side of the road and then forget them as soon as you've gone past?

Cut the head off at the top of the neck and dump the carcass in the ditch, in a wood, over the wall, somewhere out of sight. Foxes will clear it up surprisingly quickly.


Once you've got it home, as has been said. Skin it as best you can, cut as much meat, gristle, skin etc. off as you can. Are you going to cut the skull to mount it or leave it whole?


No problem freezing it until you've got chance to do it.


After you have have cleaned it boil it in water for 30mins to 1hr, until the meat and fat have softened, make sure the antlers are above the water, otherwise they will go white, then pressure washer works best or scrape it out with a brush and pick at it with a knife, till its clean. If you boil it too long it will soften the bone.


You can bleach it to get it really white, I've just used normal household bleach but you can buy Hydrogen Peroxide, be careful with it though.


There are quite a few different cuts the normal one is to follow the line which goes through the eye sockets. You can do it free hand if your careful, hacksaw is easier than a wood saw. Or you can buy jigs to hold it and get a perfect cut. I'd try and do a few testers.


I agree it would mean a lot more to you and your mum if you do it rather than pay someone.

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I did my first skull prep last week, having shot my first ever Roe Buck.


I cut as much skin, flesh etc away as possible taking care not to scratch into the bone. Getting the lower jaw off took a bit of doing, and the tongue came away with that. I used a screwdriver through the hole at the base of the skull to give the brain a good stirring up, as that helped liquify it and it almost all poured out the hole with a bit of a shake. The eyes took more effort to remove than I would have believed!


Once all was as good as I could get, I put it in a big old pot of hot water with the antlers above the water. I added some dishwasher powder, and got it boiling on a camp stove in the shed. I knew this skull was a smaller one, so was careful to see how it looked ofter 15/20 mins rather than ignore it and have it fall to bits. I lifted it out and removed some more material from the skull, decided to give it another 10 or 15 mins and then let it cool.


The two little nose bones fell off, so I recovered those when I threw away the dirty water. Once cool, lots more picking and scraping, including the bits of velvet that were still on the antlers. While still damp I got into the next stage, the bleaching.


I got an old ice cream tub just big enough to hold it, and wrapped the skull tightly in kitchen paper and filled eye sockets and other holes with cotton wool. Then poured over-the-counter Hydrogen Peroxide over, keeping it off the antlers. I made sure it stated wet with the peroxide for two days, then took it out, washed it and let it all dry in bright sunshine. The little nose bones had also sat in the peroxide, so once the whole lot was dried I glued them back in place.


The result, you can see where the velvet was on the antlers, as that left them a bit pale. I am not sure I can be bothered to stain them dark.


Edited by john_r
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