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out on new bit


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Had an invite from a chap at work to shoot some rabbits, apparantly there were loads he says.

Well i took my Ruger 17 and 22.250 just in case Fox's showed. Got all sorted went and stood in an old barn under cover from the ligh rain within 10 minutes 1st rabbit about 70-80yds, waited a few minutes for any others to show but ended up with just the one from the barn,. We then went back to the enrance to the farm yard, along the hedge line there were about 6 rabbits out into in the field from a couple of yards to about 10 yards, roughly 150ish yards away,we walked close to the hedge to get a little nearer as the ground was undulating i could see the rabbits as i got near to the ground even with my long legs on the bi pod fully extended. We go to a point that shots could be made so down i got and dropped 3 with out moving position all of which were only 4ft apart, who says HMR spook the whole populaion :rolleyes:

A further walk down the same hedge row gave us another 8 rabbits so 12 in total for about 1 1/2 hrs.

Rain stopped play so ended up in the local for a little refreshment


No sign of Mr Fox maybe next time we will improve on the bag


Edited by Dougy
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