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Look what walk into me


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woke up this morning about 4am so i thought i would take my digi camera over local park to see what i could snap,

i stood at the side of wooded area slightly off main field looking out over field at the sun rising.


i had my camera on multi shot but camera was no at my eye it was in my grasp at waste band level.


look at what strolled in from my left, it was about 2ft from me when it saw me, it never even saw me until it heard the camera taking multi shots,

hence the blur i did not have time to focus i just took the chance and shot from the hip


I cant believe it never spotted me long before it got to me, i was not in any camo gear or anything.

Edited by djgeoff
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In the grotty london suberb that i live in during the week its now quite common to see them about during the day. Drives the dog wild! The population explosion is blamed on the amount of discarded food left around but frankly i think its too many guardian readers who having been brought up on disneys anthropormorphic personification of animals and think that you must feed vermin.


the ones near us all seem a lot more mangey than that one in thne OP's photo though!

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