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Which press should I get

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I have a redding big boos 2 press its great. if I was buying again though i would get a Wilson press. I like they fact if your testing loads you can take it with you to adjust them.


then again saying that you can buy a cheap lee hand press to adjust col when out in the field

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then again saying that you can buy a cheap lee hand press to adjust col when out in the field


I've done that with my RCBS Partner Press. It is light enough and compact, I found I did not need to bolt it down if all I was doing was nudging a bullet in a bit.

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another vote for the rock chucker not cheap but its a press you will never break, I bought mine in the rockchucker kit from the USA has most of what you need and I saved about £100 buying it that way.



Thanks for all the replies.

It is going to be a Rock Chucker or Checker as I put in the wanted forum!!


I love the grammar is important, ever time I reload I will be thinking of a jack and a horse.

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