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Humberside Police


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as a non fac holder i'm gradually reading and learning about them with a thought to maybe apply for fac one day.


so todays question is does anyone know humberside police's view on mentors and experience? alot of people say deer calibres very often require a mentor or dsc1 but what about .22lr, hmr and the .22 centre fire calibres? does anyone know if these ever require a mentor and relevant experience?

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Talking to a guy other day who has just moved from Doncaster to village on edge of Humberside area, changed his address on shotgun cert, had a visit from a community copper not FLO to check his cabinet etc must be saving money

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when i got my sgc the local copper came for my interview and then when my certificate came through he brought two pcso's (police community support officers) along and asked if i minded him showing them how to inspect my cabbinet. he said they'll be doing it from now on to save the police having to do it. what village was it he moved to? i live in a village just through the boarder into humberside area.

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I have no problems with humberside. I got 22LR, HMR, and 30-06 on first application with no mentor. Yes, I have had plenty of previous experience in the US and already owned my guns (in the US). My variations have been quick and notifications via email. When I put my variation in last time and asked for an open certificate, a short conversation alleviated any concerns they had and we were on with no problems. They seem like a reasonable bunch to me, so if you have problems just be reasonable and tell them why.




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thanks for the replies. martyn even though you got your cert opened srtaight away did you have to nominate a piece of land you had authority to shoot on and if so was it the same piece of land for all calibres. most of my permissions are verbal and the farmers can't really be bothered with doing things formally.

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