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camo for guns???????


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hi lads

does anyone know where i can get some of that heat shrink camo stuff from and does anyone know if you can use it on a s/s




saw an add in sporting gun , cant remeber from who though,but it was on a big two sheet ad. was 20 quid and it is removable. should be safe but dont quote me on that.

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hi lads

does anyone know where i can get some of that heat shrink camo stuff from and does anyone know if you can use it on a s/s




don't think you'd want to use that stuff, it's shiny, brittle and a load of (expensive) S****. Use no mar it's the dogs dangly bits or send the gun off to hydrographics or buy a gun camoed up already :D

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Its designed to not leave any sticky deposits on the gun when removed, i think its no-mar(ks)??

People also say that it can trap moisture quite easily and cause your gun to rust, i haven't had any problems with this however,



I used this on one of My rifles also it DID leave small traces of Glue on the barrel when removed but it came of easy enough with a bit of elbow grease.


As for Rust well :D Mine DID rust a tad on places but considering i couldn't oil the camo tape that was to be expected.


Still good stuff and cheaper than the Dipping option



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hi lads

does anyone know where i can get some of that heat shrink camo stuff from and does anyone know if you can use it on a s/s




saw an add in sporting gun , cant remeber from who though,but it was on a big two sheet ad. was 20 quid and it is removable. should be safe but dont quote me on that.

thanks for the help do you know how long ago the add was in then i will give them a ring (sporting gun that is) and hope they can shed some light on it

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