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il cacciatore

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Hello, you may remmember me as being another member The_Craws. I got fed up with the other username so I decided for a change. I've been in Italy for 7 months learning Italian but now I'm back for some pigeon *** kicking now I've got my shotgun certificate - took them only 6 months to issue it!


Hello everyone! :/

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Ciao tutti.


la lucertola, piacere! Hai imparato italiano o lo conosceva sempre? Mio padre parla in dialetto della ciociaria, anche italiano ma mai in casa mia perche mia madre e scozzese e non parla quindi ho devuto andare in italia per impararlo. Era difficile.

Salve - il Cacciatore.


Ho imparato italiano quando ero a scuola, e dopo. Ma non molto bene !! Io parlo solamente cosi-cosi, puo darsi.


Il mio padre era nato in Galles, ma il suoi genitori (mei nonni), erano d’Italia (Provincia di Parma). Loro hanno venduta a Galles nel’ 1920 - 1930. La mia madre e Gallese. Non sono stato in Italia per uno, forse due, anni. Peccato !


Cacciatore, ha lei sparato un cinghiale ? Molto buono per mangare, si ? :/


(Scusi per i sbaglii). :*)



la Lucertola

P.S. - you’ll have to revert to english, Cacciatore. This is too much like hard work !!

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must be in the air just sending one of my boys to Italy for a nice little job,

Hi Pavman,


If your boy, (the one going to Italy), is a hunter, make sure to tell him to try having a go at a Cinghiale. (Wild Boar).

FAC - Italian equivalent - required.


Never shot one myself, I'm afraid. But I have seen them in the mountains, and I've dined on a few. Delicious... :/:)



the Lizard

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Yeh its hard work but important because I believe you can only learn so much from lessons. :)


The shooting scene is really dire in Italy. The equivelent of the greens "i verdi" have had too much power in recent years and they've changed most of the laws regarding shooting.


In order to get a licence in Italy you must pay 200 euro (about 140 quid) every year for renewal of the licence, you must get a doctor to give you the OK every year (ie blood test, heart checked etc etc) and you must get a phycatrist (:/) to check your brains every year. Then if you get a licence, every time you go out shooting you must get your certificate stamped by the FLO and a record of how many shots fired and what quarry (if any) you killed or shot at!!! Then there is the closed season which spans from about Feb to Oct when you are actually allowed to shoot there isnt anything! No woodies, no rabbits, no crows, just a few ferals and cinghiale (wild boar).


But the weird thing is, if you have a good enough excuse your allowed to keep a pistol for self protection and your allowed to shoot someone that enters your house if you think they have a gun and are willing to shoot you!!!!!!!


Mad Italian laws eh, who would have em. :(

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